Jonathan J. Swift
Jonathan J. Swift
Thacher School
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A submillimetre survey of the kinematics of the Perseus molecular cloud–II. Molecular outflows
EI Curtis, JS Richer, JJ Swift, JP Williams
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 408 (3), 1516-1539, 2010
An ancient extrasolar system with five sub-Earth-size planets
TL Campante, T Barclay, JJ Swift, D Huber, VZ Adibekyan, W Cochran, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 799 (2), 170, 2015
Characterizing the cool KOIs. IV. Kepler-32 as a prototype for the formation of compact planetary systems throughout the galaxy
JJ Swift, JA Johnson, TD Morton, JR Crepp, BT Montet, DC Fabrycky, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 764 (1), 105, 2013
The radius distribution of planets around cool stars
TD Morton, J Swift
The Astrophysical Journal 791 (1), 10, 2014
The nature of transition circumstellar disks. I. The ophiuchus molecular cloud
LA Cieza, MR Schreiber, GA Romero, MD Mora, B Merin, JJ Swift, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 712 (2), 925, 2010
Kepler-445, Kepler-446 and the occurrence of compact multiples orbiting mid-M dwarf stars
PS Muirhead, AW Mann, A Vanderburg, TD Morton, A Kraus, M Ireland, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 801 (1), 18, 2015
Radial velocity planet detection biases at the stellar rotational period
A Vanderburg, P Plavchan, JA Johnson, DR Ciardi, J Swift, SR Kane
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 459 (4), 3565-3573, 2016
SOCS2 regulates T helper type 2 differentiation and the generation of type 2 allergic responses
CA Knosp, HP Carroll, J Elliott, SP Saunders, HJ Nel, S Amu, JC Pratt, ...
Journal of Experimental Medicine 208 (7), 1523-1531, 2011
Miniature Exoplanet Radial Velocity Array I: design, commissioning, and early photometric results
JJ Swift, M Bottom, JA Johnson, JT Wright, N McCrady, RA Wittenmyer, ...
Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems 1 (2), 027002 …, 2015
The masses of transition circumstellar disks: observational support for photoevaporation models
LA Cieza, JJ Swift, GS Mathews, JP Williams
The Astrophysical Journal 686 (2), L115, 2008
SN 2019ehk: A Double-peaked Ca-rich Transient with Luminous X-Ray Emission and Shock-ionized Spectral Features
WV Jacobson-Galán, R Margutti, CD Kilpatrick, D Hiramatsu, H Perets, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 898 (2), 166, 2020
Characterizing the Cool KOIs. V. KOI-256: A Mutually Eclipsing Post-common Envelope Binary
PS Muirhead, A Vanderburg, A Shporer, J Becker, JJ Swift, JP Lloyd, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 767 (2), 111, 2013
A pre-protostellar core in L1551
JJ Swift, WJ Welch, J Di Francesco
The Astrophysical Journal 620 (2), 823, 2005
On the evolution of the dense core mass function
JJ Swift, JP Williams
The Astrophysical Journal 679 (1), 552, 2008
A case study of low-mass star formation
JJ Swift, WJ Welch
The Astrophysical Journal Supplement Series 174 (1), 202, 2008
The first post-Kepler brightness dips of KIC 8462852
TS Boyajian, R Alonso, A Ammerman, D Armstrong, AA Ramos, ...
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 853 (1), L8, 2018
Two massive, low-luminosity cores toward infrared dark clouds
JJ Swift
The Astrophysical Journal 705 (2), 1456, 2009
Magnetic inflation and stellar mass. I. Revised parameters for the component stars of the Kepler low-mass eclipsing binary T-Cyg1-12664
E Han, PS Muirhead, JJ Swift, C Baranec, NM Law, R Riddle, D Atkinson, ...
The Astronomical Journal 154 (3), 100, 2017
An Early-time Optical and Ultraviolet Excess in the Type-Ic SN 2020oi
A Gagliano, L Izzo, CD Kilpatrick, B Mockler, WV Jacobson-Galán, ...
The Astrophysical Journal 924 (2), 55, 2022
Petroleum source rocks, Grand Banks area
JH Swift, JA Williams
AAPG Special Volumes 28, 205-216, 1984
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Articles 1–20