Nidal Kamel
Cited by
Cited by
Feature extraction and classification for EEG signals using wavelet transform and machine learning techniques
HU Amin, AS Malik, RF Ahmad, N Badruddin, N Kamel, M Hussain, ...
Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine 38, 139-149, 2015
Machine learning framework for the detection of mental stress at multiple levels
AR Subhani, W Mumtaz, MNBM Saad, N Kamel, AS Malik
IEEE Access 5, 13545-13556, 2017
A survey of methods used for source localization using EEG signals
MA Jatoi, N Kamel, AS Malik, I Faye, T Begum
Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 11, 42-52, 2014
Routing in vehicular ad-hoc networks: A survey on single-and cross-layer design techniques, and perspectives
A Awang, K Husain, N Kamel, S Aissa
IEEE Access 5, 9497-9517, 2017
EEG based brain source localization comparison of sLORETA and eLORETA
MA Jatoi, N Kamel, AS Malik, I Faye
Australasian physical & engineering sciences in medicine 37, 713-721, 2014
EEG/ERP analysis: methods and applications
K Nidal, AS Malik
Crc Press, 2014
Deep in thought while driving: An EEG study on drivers’ cognitive distraction
H Almahasneh, WT Chooi, N Kamel, AS Malik
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 26, 218-226, 2014
P300 correlates with learning & memory abilities and fluid intelligence
HU Amin, AS Malik, N Kamel, WT Chooi, M Hussain
Journal of neuroengineering and rehabilitation 12, 1-14, 2015
Glove-based approach to online signature verification
NS Kamel, S Sayeed, GA Ellis
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 30 (6), 1109-1113, 2008
Review of EEG, ERP, and brain connectivity estimators as predictive biomarkers of social anxiety disorder
A Al-Ezzi, N Kamel, I Faye, E Gunaseli
Frontiers in psychology 11, 730, 2020
An EEG-based functional connectivity measure for automatic detection of alcohol use disorder
W Mumtaz, N Kamel, SSA Ali, AS Malik
Artificial intelligence in medicine 84, 79-89, 2018
Automated diagnosis of major depressive disorder using brain effective connectivity and 3D convolutional neural network
DM Khan, N Yahya, N Kamel, I Faye
Ieee Access 9, 8835-8846, 2021
Mitigation of stress: new treatment alternatives
AR Subhani, N Kamel, MN Mohamad Saad, N Nandagopal, K Kang, ...
Cognitive neurodynamics 12, 1-20, 2018
EEG based evaluation of stereoscopic 3D displays for viewer discomfort
AS Malik, RNHR Khairuddin, HU Amin, ML Smith, N Kamel, JM Abdullah, ...
Biomedical engineering online 14, 1-21, 2015
Subspace-based technique for speckle noise reduction in SAR images
N Yahya, NS Kamel, AS Malik
IEEE Transactions On Geoscience and remote sensing 52 (10), 6257-6271, 2014
Analysis of default mode network in social anxiety disorder: EEG resting-state effective connectivity study
A Al-Ezzi, N Kamel, I Faye, E Gunaseli
Sensors 21 (12), 4098, 2021
Mammogram classification using dynamic time warping
SJS Gardezi, I Faye, JM Sanchez Bornot, N Kamel, M Hussain
Multimedia Tools and Applications 77, 3941-3962, 2018
SVD-based tensor-completion technique for background initialization
I Kajo, N Kamel, Y Ruichek, AS Malik
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 27 (6), 3114-3126, 2018
A novel method for vegetation encroachment monitoring of transmission lines using a single 2D camera
J Ahmad, AS Malik, MF Abdullah, N Kamel, L Xia
Pattern analysis and applications 18, 419-440, 2015
Image signal‐to‐noise ratio estimation using the autoregressive model
KS Sim, NS Kamel
Scanning: The Journal of Scanning Microscopies 26 (3), 135-139, 2004
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Articles 1–20