Barry Luther-Davies
Barry Luther-Davies
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Chalcogenide photonics
BJ Eggleton, B Luther-Davies, K Richardson
Nature photonics 5 (3), 141-148, 2011
Dark optical solitons: physics and applications
YS Kivshar, B Luther-Davies
Physics reports 298 (2-3), 81-197, 1998
Ablation of solids by femtosecond lasers: Ablation mechanism and ablation thresholds for metals and dielectrics
EG Gamaly, AV Rode, B Luther-Davies, VT Tikhonchuk
Physics of plasmas 9 (3), 949-957, 2002
Generation of 5-fs pulses and octave-spanning spectra directly from a Ti: sapphire laser
R Ell, U Morgner, FX Kärtner, JG Fujimoto, EP Ippen, V Scheuer, ...
Optics letters 26 (6), 373-375, 2001
Laser-Induced Microexplosion Confined in the Bulk of a Sapphire Crystal:<? format?> Evidence of Multimegabar Pressures
S Juodkazis, K Nishimura, S Tanaka, H Misawa, EG Gamaly, ...
Physical review letters 96 (16), 166101, 2006
Producing air-stable monolayers of phosphorene and their defect engineering
J Pei, X Gai, J Yang, X Wang, Z Yu, DY Choi, B Luther-Davies, Y Lu
Nature communications 7 (1), 10450, 2016
Ultrafast all-optical chalcogenide glass photonic circuits
VG Ta’eed, NJ Baker, L Fu, K Finsterbusch, MRE Lamont, DJ Moss, ...
Optics express 15 (15), 9205-9221, 2007
Laser-matter interaction in the bulk of a transparent solid: Confined microexplosion and void formation
EG Gamaly, S Juodkazis, K Nishimura, H Misawa, B Luther-Davies, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (21), 214101, 2006
Low-power, chip-based stimulated Brillouin scattering microwave photonic filter with ultrahigh selectivity
D Marpaung, B Morrison, M Pagani, R Pant, DY Choi, B Luther-Davies, ...
Optica 2 (2), 76-83, 2015
On-chip stimulated Brillouin scattering
R Pant, CG Poulton, DY Choi, H Mcfarlane, S Hile, E Li, L Thevenaz, ...
Optics express 19 (9), 8285-8290, 2011
A broadband, quasi‐continuous, mid‐infrared supercontinuum generated in a chalcogenide glass waveguide
Y Yu, X Gai, P Ma, DY Choi, Z Yang, R Wang, S Debbarma, SJ Madden, ...
Laser & Photonics Reviews 8 (5), 792-798, 2014
Supercontinuum generation in dispersion engineered highly nonlinear (γ = 10 /W/m) As2S3 chalcogenide planar waveguide
MRE Lamont, B Luther-Davies, DY Choi, S Madden, BJ Eggleton
Optics Express 16 (19), 14938-14944, 2008
Unconventional magnetism in all-carbon nanofoam
AV Rode, EG Gamaly, AG Christy, JG Fitz Gerald, ST Hyde, RG Elliman, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (5), 054407, 2004
Three dimensional bright spatial soliton collision and fusion in a saturable nonlinear medium
V Tikhonenko, J Christou, B Luther-Davies
Physical Review Letters 76 (15), 2698, 1996
Ultrafast ablation with high-pulse-rate lasers. Part I: Theoretical considerations
EG Gamaly, AV Rode, B Luther-Davies
Journal of applied physics 85 (8), 4213-4221, 1999
Long, low loss etched As2S3 chalcogenide waveguides for all-optical signal regeneration
SJ Madden, DY Choi, DA Bulla, AV Rode, B Luther-Davies, VG Ta’eed, ...
Optics express 15 (22), 14414-14421, 2007
Midinfrared supercontinuum generation from 2 to 6 μm in a silicon nanowire
N Singh, DD Hudson, Y Yu, C Grillet, SD Jackson, A Casas-Bedoya, ...
Optica 2 (9), 797-802, 2015
Nonlinear light generation in topological nanostructures
S Kruk, A Poddubny, D Smirnova, L Wang, A Slobozhanyuk, A Shorokhov, ...
Nature nanotechnology 14 (2), 126-130, 2019
Waveguides and Y junctions formed in bulk media by using dark spatial solitons
B Luther-Davies, Y Xiaoping
Optics letters 17 (7), 496-498, 1992
Photonic-chip-based radio-frequency spectrum analyser with terahertz bandwidth
M Pelusi, F Luan, TD Vo, MRE Lamont, SJ Madden, DA Bulla, DY Choi, ...
nature photonics 3 (3), 139-143, 2009
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Articles 1–20