Kyle J. DeMars
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Cited by
Entropy-based approach for uncertainty propagation of nonlinear dynamical systems
KJ DeMars, RH Bishop, MK Jah
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 36 (4), 1047-1057, 2013
Probabilistic initial orbit determination using gaussian mixture models
KJ DeMars, MK Jah
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 36 (5), 1324-1335, 2013
Initial orbit determination using short-arc angle and angle rate data
KJ DeMars, MK Jah, PW Schumacher
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 48 (3), 2628-2637, 2012
Collision probability with Gaussian mixture orbit uncertainty
KJ DeMars, Y Cheng, MK Jah
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 37 (3), 979-985, 2014
Nonlinear orbit uncertainty prediction and rectification for space situational awareness
KJ DeMars
Multiple-object space surveillance tracking using finite-set statistics
KJ DeMars, II Hussein, C Frueh, MK Jah, R Scott Erwin
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 38 (9), 1741-1756, 2015
Underweighting nonlinear measurements
R Zanetti, KJ DeMars, RH Bishop
Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics 33 (5), 1670-1675, 2010
Cislunar space situational awareness
C Frueh, K Howell, KJ DeMars, S Bhadauria
31st AIAA/AAS Space Flight Mechanics Meeting, 6-7, 2021
An AEGIS-FISST integrated detection and tracking approach to Space Situational Awareness
II Hussein, KJ DeMars, C Früh, RS Erwin, MK Jah
2012 15th International Conference on Information Fusion, 2065-2072, 2012
Cislunar space traffic management: Surveillance through earth-moon resonance orbits
C Frueh, K Howell, K DeMars, S Bhadauria, M Gupta
8th European Conference on Space Debris 8, 2021
Joseph formulation of unscented and quadrature filters with application to consider states
R Zanetti, KJ DeMars
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 36 (6), 1860-1864, 2013
A splitting gaussian mixture method for the propagation of uncertainty in orbital mechanics
KJ DeMars, RH Bishop, MK Jan
Spaceflight Mechanics 140, 2011
Advances in POST2 end-to-end descent and landing simulation for the ALHAT project
J Davis, S Striepe, R Maddock, S Paschall, R Bishop, A Johnson, ...
AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference and Exhibit, 6938, 2008
Orbit determination performance improvements for high area-to-mass ratio space object tracking using an adaptive Gaussian mixtures estimation algorithm
K DeMars, M Jah, D Giza, T Kelecy
21st International Symposium on Space Flight Dynamics, 2009
An AEGIS-FISST algorithm for multiple object tracking in space situational awareness
I Hussein, K DeMars, C Fruh, M Jah, R Erwin
AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 4807, 2012
Anonymous feature-based terrain relative navigation
JS McCabe, KJ DeMars
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 43 (3), 410-421, 2020
Bearings-only initial relative orbit determination
KA LeGrand, KJ DeMars, HJ Pernicka
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 38 (9), 1699-1713, 2015
Application of a Multiple Hypothesis Filter to near GEO high area-to-mass ratio space objects state estimation
T Kelecy, M Jah, K DeMars
Acta Astronautica 81 (2), 435-444, 2012
Particle filter methods for space object tracking
JS McCabe, KJ DeMars
AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, 4308, 2014
Fully multiplicative unscented Kalman filter for attitude estimation
R Zanetti, KJ DeMars
Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics 41 (5), 1183-1189, 2018
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Articles 1–20