Alfredo Portone
Alfredo Portone
Head of Unit, Fusion For Energy, European Commission
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Principal physics developments evaluated in the ITER design review
RJ Hawryluk, DJ Campbell, G Janeschitz, PR Thomas, R Albanese, ...
Nuclear Fusion 49 (6), 065012, 2009
Plasma operation and control
Y Gribov, D Humphreys, K Kajiwara, EA Lazarus, JB Lister, T Ozeki, ...
Nuclear Fusion 47 (6), S385, 2007
The ITER toroidal field model coil project
A Ulbricht, JL Duchateau, WH Fietz, D Ciazynski, H Fillunger, S Fink, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 73 (2-4), 189-327, 2005
Experimental vertical stability studies for ITER performance and design guidance
DA Humphreys, TA Casper, N Eidietis, M Ferrara, DA Gates, ...
Nuclear Fusion 49 (11), 115003, 2009
Numerical study of the resonant magnetic perturbations for Type I edge localized modes control in ITER
M Bécoulet, E Nardon, G Huysmans, W Zwingmann, P Thomas, M Lipa, ...
Nuclear Fusion 48 (2), 024003, 2008
Development of ITER 15 MA ELMy H-mode inductive scenario
CE Kessel, D Campbell, Y Gribov, G Saibene, G Ambrosino, RV Budny, ...
Nuclear Fusion 49 (8), 085034, 2009
Linearly perturbed MHD equilibria and 3D eddy current coupling via the control surface method
A Portone, F Villone, Y Liu, R Albanese, G Rubinacci
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 50 (8), 085004, 2008
Experimental studies of ITER demonstration discharges
ACC Sips, TA Casper, EJ Doyle, G Giruzzi, Y Gribov, J Hobirk, ...
Nuclear fusion 49 (8), 085015, 2009
Edge localized modes control by resonant magnetic perturbations
E Nardon, M Bécoulet, G Huysmans, O Czarny, PR Thomas, M Lipa, ...
Journal of nuclear materials 363, 1071-1075, 2007
Progress in physics and control of the resistive wall mode in advanced tokamaks
Y Liu, IT Chapman, MS Chu, H Reimerdes, F Villone, R Albanese, ...
Physics of Plasmas 16 (5), 2009
Coupling between a 3-D integral eddy current formulation and a linearized MHD model for the analysis of resistive wall modes
R Albanese, YQ Liu, A Portone, G Rubinacci, F Villone
IEEE transactions on magnetics 44 (6), 1654-1657, 2008
Plasma current and shape control in tokamaks using H/sub/spl infin//and/spl mu/-synthesis
G Ambrosino, M Ariola, Y Mitrishkin, A Pironti, A Portone
Proceedings of the 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control 4, 3697-3702, 1997
The stability margin of elongated plasmas
A Portone
Nuclear fusion 45 (8), 926, 2005
ITER non-axisymmetric error fields induced by its magnet system
J Knaster, V Amoskov, A Formisano, Y Gribov, E Lamzin, L Martone, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 86 (6-8), 1053-1056, 2011
Design of the plasma position and shape control in the ITER tokamak using in-vessel coils
G Ambrosino, M Ariola, G De Tommasi, A Pironti, A Portone
IEEE transactions on plasma science 37 (7), 1324-1331, 2009
Effects of asymmetric vertical disruptions on ITER components
R Albanese, B Carpentieri, M Cavinato, S Minucci, R Palmaccio, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 94, 7-21, 2015
Development of the EFDA dipole high field conductor
A Vostner, P Bauer, R Wesche, UB Vetrella, B Stepanov, A Della Corte, ...
IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity 18 (2), 544-547, 2008
Vertical stabilisation of Tokamak plasmas
MMM Al-Husari, B Hendel, IM Jaimoukha, EM Kasenally, DJN Limebeer, ...
[1991] Proceedings of the 30th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 1165 …, 1991
The JET PCU project: An international plasma control project
F Sartori, F Crisanti, R Albanese, G Ambrosino, V Toigo, J Hay, P Lomas, ...
Fusion Engineering and Design 83 (2-3), 202-206, 2008
Design and optimization of the 12.5 T EFDA dipole magnet
A Portone, E Salpietro, L Bottura, P Bruzzone, A Della Corte, W Fietz, ...
Cryogenics 46 (7-8), 494-506, 2006
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Articles 1–20