Sarah Ruth Beck
Sarah Ruth Beck
Professor of Cognitive Development, University of Birmingham, UK
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Children's thinking about counterfactuals and future hypotheticals as possibilities
SR Beck, EJ Robinson, DJ Carroll, IA Apperly
Child Development 77 (2), 413-426, 2006
Making tools isn’t child’s play
SR Beck, IA Apperly, J Chappell, C Guthrie, N Cutting
Cognition 119 (2), 301-306, 2011
Reducing intergroup bias: The moderating role of ingroup identification
RJ Crisp, SR Beck
Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 8 (2), 173-185, 2005
What is difficult about counterfactual reasoning?
EJ Robinson, S Beck
Psychology Press/Taylor & Francis (UK), 2000
Relating developments in children's counterfactual thinking and executive functions
SR Beck, KJ Riggs, SL Gorniak
Thinking & Reasoning 15 (4), 337-354, 2009
Why do children lack the flexibility to innovate tools?
N Cutting, IA Apperly, SR Beck
Journal of experimental child psychology 109 (4), 497-511, 2011
Refining the understanding of inhibitory processes: how response prepotency is created and overcome
A Simpson, KJ Riggs, SR Beck, SL Gorniak, Y Wu, D Abbott, A Diamond
Developmental Science 15 (1), 62-73, 2012
Children’s thinking about their own and others’ regret and relief
DP Weisberg, SR Beck
Journal of experimental child psychology 106 (2), 184-191, 2010
The puzzling difficulty of tool innovation: Why can’t children piece their knowledge together?
N Cutting, IA Apperly, J Chappell, SR Beck
Journal of experimental child psychology 125, 110-117, 2014
Individual differences in children's innovative problem-solving are not predicted by divergent thinking or executive functions
SR Beck, C Williams, N Cutting, IA Apperly, J Chappell
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 371 …, 2016
The development of tool manufacture in humans: what helps young children make innovative tools?
J Chappell, N Cutting, IA Apperly, SR Beck
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 368 …, 2013
The development of children's regret and relief
DP Weisberg, SR Beck
Cognition & emotion 26 (5), 820-835, 2012
Developing Thoughts About What Might Have Been
SR Beck, KJ Riggs
Child Development Perspectives 8 (3), 175-179, 2014
Children's sensitivity to their own relative ignorance: Handling of possibilities under epistemic and physical uncertainty
EJ Robinson, MG Rowley, SR Beck, DJ Carroll, IA Apperly
Child development 77 (6), 1642-1655, 2006
Young children copy cumulative technological design in the absence of action information
E Reindl, IA Apperly, SR Beck, C Tennie
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 1788, 2017
Executive control and the experience of regret
P Burns, KJ Riggs, SR Beck
Journal of experimental child psychology 111 (3), 501-515, 2012
Understanding counterfactuals, understanding causation: Issues in philosophy and psychology
C Hoerl, T McCormack, SR Beck
Oxford University Press, 2011
Almost thinking counterfactually: Children’s understanding of close counterfactuals
SR Beck, C Guthrie
Child development 82 (4), 1189-1198, 2011
Is understanding regret dependent on developments in counterfactual thinking?
SR Beck, M Crilly
British Journal of Developmental Psychology 27 (2), 505-510, 2009
Supporting children’s counterfactual thinking with alternative modes of responding
SR Beck, DJ Carroll, VEA Brunsdon, CK Gryg
Journal of experimental child psychology 108 (1), 190-202, 2011
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