Richard Harrison
Richard Harrison
Senior Advisor, Monetary Analysis, Bank of England
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The Bank of England quarterly model
R Harrison, K Nikolov, M Quinn, G Ramsay, A Scott, R Thomas
Bank of England, 2005
Monetary policy rules for an open economy
N Batini, R Harrison, SP Millard
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 27 (11-12), 2059-2094, 2003
The Bank of England's forecasting platform: COMPASS, MAPS, EASE and the suite of models
S Burgess, E Fernandez-Corugedo, C Groth, R Harrison, F Monti, ...
SSRN, 2013
The danger of inflating expectations of macroeconomic stability: Heuristic switching in an overlapping-generations monetary model
A Brazier, R Harrison, M King, T Yates
Thirteenth issue (June 2008) of the International Journal of Central Banking, 2018
Asset purchase policy at the effective lower bound for interest rates
R Harrison
Bank of England Working Paper, 2012
Threshold-based forward guidance
L Boneva, R Harrison, M Waldron
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 90, 138-155, 2018
Evaluating and estimating a DSGE model for the United Kingdom
R Harrison, O Oomen
Bank of England working paper, 2010
Optimal quantitative easing
R Harrison
Bank of England Working Paper, 2017
Interpreting movements in broad money
S Berry, R Harrison, R Thomas, I de Weymarn
Bank of England Quarterly Bulletin Q 3, 2007, 2007
The central bank balance sheet as a policy tool: Past, present and future
AJ Bailey, J Bridges, R Harrison, J Jones, A Mankodi
Bank of England Working Paper, 2020
Asset purchase policies and portfolio balance effects: a DSGE analysis
R Harrison
Interest Rates, Prices and Liquidity: Lessons from the Financial Crisis, 117-143, 2011
The Brexit Vote, Productivity Growth, and macroeconomic adjustments in the UK
B Broadbent, F Di Pace, T Drechsel, R Harrison, S Tenreyro
Review of Economic Studies 91 (4), 2104-2134, 2024
House price dynamics, optimal LTV limits and the liquidity trap
A Ferrero, R Harrison, B Nelson
Review of Economic Studies 91 (2), 940-971, 2024
Decomposing the drivers of Global R
A Cesa-Bianchi, R Harrison, R Sajedi
Bank of England Working Paper, 2022
Forecasting with measurement errors in dynamic models
R Harrison, G Kapetanios, T Yates
International Journal of Forecasting 21 (3), 595-607, 2005
Uncertain policy promises
A Haberis, R Harrison, M Waldron
European Economic Review 111, 459-474, 2019
On the application and use of DSGE models
P Alvarez-Lois, R Harrison, L Piscitelli, A Scott
Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 32 (8), 2428-2452, 2008
The impact of permanent energy price shocks on the UK economy
R Harrison, R Thomas, I De Weymarn
Bank of England working paper, 2011
Concerted efforts? Monetary policy and macro-prudential tools
A Ferrero, R Harrison, B Nelson
Bank of England Working Paper, 2018
Transitory interest-rate pegs under imperfect credibility
A Haberis, R Harrison, M Waldron
Centre For Macroeconomics, 2014
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Articles 1–20