Sandro Azaele
Sandro Azaele
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Padua, Italy
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Statistical mechanics of ecological systems: Neutral theory and beyond
S Azaele, S Suweis, J Grilli, I Volkov, JR Banavar, A Maritan
Reviews of Modern Physics 88 (3), 035003, 2016
Hydrological drivers of wetland vegetation community distribution within Everglades National Park, Florida
MJ Todd, R Muneepeerakul, D Pumo, S Azaele, F Miralles-Wilhelm, ...
Advances in Water Resources 33 (10), 1279-1289, 2010
On the space‐time evolution of a cholera epidemic
E Bertuzzo, S Azaele, A Maritan, M Gatto, I Rodriguez‐Iturbe, A Rinaldo
Water Resources Research 44 (1), 2008
Dynamical evolution of ecosystems
S Azaele, S Pigolotti, JR Banavar, A Maritan
Nature 444 (7121), 926-928, 2006
Package ‘spatstat’
A Baddeley, R Turner
The Comprehensive R Archive Network (), 146, 2014
Towards a unified descriptive theory for spatial ecology: predicting biodiversity patterns across spatial scales
S Azaele, A Maritan, SJ Cornell, S Suweis, JR Banavar, D Gabriel, ...
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 6 (3), 324-332, 2015
Downscaling species occupancy from coarse spatial scales
S Azaele, SJ Cornell, WE Kunin
Ecological Applications 22 (3), 1004-1014, 2012
The effect of environmental stochasticity on species richness in neutral communities
M Danino, NM Shnerb, S Azaele, WE Kunin, DA Kessler
Journal of theoretical biology 409, 155-164, 2016
Inferring plant ecosystem organization from species occurrences
S Azaele, R Muneepeerakul, A Rinaldo, I Rodriguez-Iturbe
Journal of theoretical biology 262 (2), 323-329, 2010
Upscaling species richness and abundances in tropical forests
A Tovo, S Suweis, M Formentin, M Favretti, I Volkov, JR Banavar, ...
Science advances 3 (10), e1701438, 2017
Finite-time and fixed-time consensus of multiagent networks with pinning control and noise perturbation
Y Sun, W Li, H Shi, D Zhao, S Azaele
SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 79 (1), 111-130, 2019
Daily streamflow analysis based on a two‐scaled gamma pulse model
R Muneepeerakul, S Azaele, G Botter, A Rinaldo, I Rodriguez‐Iturbe
Water Resources Research 46 (11), 2010
Modelling determinants of extinction across two Mesozoic hyperthermal events
AM Dunhill, WJ Foster, S Azaele, J Sciberras, RJ Twitchett
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 285 (1889), 20180404, 2018
Can coarse‐grain patterns in insect atlas data predict local occupancy?
LJ Barwell, S Azaele, WE Kunin, NJB Isaac
Diversity and Distributions 20 (8), 895-907, 2014
Asymmetric stochastic resetting: Modeling catastrophic events
CA Plata, D Gupta, S Azaele
Physical Review E 102 (5), 052116, 2020
On neutral metacommunity patterns of river basins at different scales of aggregation
M Convertino, R Muneepeerakul, S Azaele, E Bertuzzo, A Rinaldo, ...
Water Resources Research 45 (8), 2009
Stochastic dynamics of cholera epidemics
S Azaele, A Maritan, E Bertuzzo, I Rodriguez-Iturbe, A Rinaldo
Physical Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 81 (5 …, 2010
Spatial aggregation and the species–area relationship across scales
J Grilli, S Azaele, JR Banavar, A Maritan
Journal of theoretical biology 313, 87-97, 2012
Predicting spatial similarity of freshwater fish biodiversity
S Azaele, R Muneepeerakul, A Maritan, A Rinaldo, I Rodriguez-Iturbe
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 106 (17), 7058-7062, 2009
Evolution of dispersal in explicitly spatial metacommunities
R Muneepeerakul, S Azaele, SA Levin, A Rinaldo, I Rodriguez-Iturbe
Journal of Theoretical Biology 269 (1), 256-265, 2011
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Articles 1–20