Daniel Ozer
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Cited by
Personality and the prediction of consequential outcomes
DJ Ozer, V Benet-Martinez
Annu. Rev. Psychol. 57 (1), 401-421, 2006
Evaluating effect size in psychological research: Sense and nonsense
DC Funder, DJ Ozer
Advances in methods and practices in psychological science 2 (2), 156-168, 2019
Behavior as a function of the situation.
DC Funder, DJ Ozer
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 44 (1), 107, 1983
Correlation and the coefficient of determination.
DJ Ozer
Psychological bulletin 97 (2), 307, 1985
Personality assessment
DJ Ozer, SP Reise
Annual review of psychology 45, 357, 1994
Subjective injustice and inferiority as predictors of hostile and depressive feelings in envy
RH Smith, WG Parrott, D Ozer, A Moniz
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 20 (6), 705-711, 1994
Construct validation of optimism and pessimism in older men: findings from the normative aging study.
DK Mroczek, A Spiro, CM Aldwin, DJ Ozer, R Bossé
Health Psychology 12 (5), 406, 1993
Complementarity of interpersonal behaviors in dyadic interactions
PM Markey, DC Funder, DJ Ozer
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 29 (9), 1082-1090, 2003
Shared experiences and the similarity of personalities: a longitudinal study of married couples.
A Caspi, ES Herbener, DJ Ozer
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 62 (2), 281, 1992
A new measure of life satisfaction: The Riverside Life Satisfaction Scale
S Margolis, E Schwitzgebel, DJ Ozer, S Lyubomirsky
Journal of personality assessment 101 (6), 621-630, 2019
The replicability and utility of three personality types
PT Costa Jr, JH Herbst, RR McCrae, J Samuels, DJ Ozer
European Journal of Personality 16 (S1), S73-S87, 2002
Improved vision and on-field performance in baseball through perceptual learning
J Deveau, DJ Ozer, AR Seitz
Current Biology 24 (4), R146-R147, 2014
Goal conflict, goal striving, and psychological well-being
MJ Boudreaux, DJ Ozer
Motivation and Emotion 37, 433-443, 2013
Consistency in personality: A methodological framework
DJ Ozer
Springer Science & Business Media, 2012
Testing for measurement invariance in the satisfaction with life scale: A comparison of Russians and North Americans
KL Tucker, DJ Ozer, S Lyubomirsky, JK Boehm
Social indicators research 78, 341-360, 2006
Patterns of personality consistency and change from childhood through adolescence
DJ Ozer, PF Gjerde
Journal of Personality 57 (2), 483-507, 1989
The Q-sort method and the study of personality development.
DJ Ozer
American Psychological Association, 1993
Goal conflict and psychological well-being: A meta-analysis
JS Gray, DJ Ozer, R Rosenthal
Journal of Research in Personality 66, 27-37, 2017
Personality traits and the prediction of personal goals
Z Reisz, MJ Boudreaux, DJ Ozer
Personality and Individual Differences 55 (6), 699-704, 2013
Culture and interpersonal conflict resolution styles: Role of acculturation
T Kim-Jo, V Benet-Martínez, DJ Ozer
Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 41 (2), 264-269, 2010
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Articles 1–20