William Raun
Cited by
Cited by
Improving nitrogen use efficiency for cereal production
WR Raun, GV Johnson
Agronomy journal 91 (3), 357-363, 1999
Improving nitrogen use efficiency in cereal grain production with optical sensing and variable rate application
WR Raun, JB Solie, GV Johnson, ML Stone, RW Mullen, KW Freeman, ...
Agronomy Journal 94 (4), 815-820, 2002
In‐season prediction of potential grain yield in winter wheat using canopy reflectance
WR Raun, JB Solie, GV Johnson, ML Stone, EV Lukina, WE Thomason, ...
Agronomy Journal 93 (1), 131-138, 2001
Use of spectral radiance for correcting in-season fertilizer nitrogen deficiencies in winter wheat
ML Stone, JB Solie, WR Raun, RW Whitney, SL Taylor, JD Ringer
Transactions of the ASAE 39 (5), 1623-1631, 1996
Optical sensor‐based algorithm for crop nitrogen fertilization
WR Raun, JB Solie, ML Stone, KL Martin, KW Freeman, RW Mullen, ...
Communications in soil science and plant analysis 36 (19-20), 2759-2781, 2005
Soil acidification from long‐term use of nitrogen fertilizers on winter wheat
JL Schroder, H Zhang, K Girma, WR Raun, CJ Penn, ME Payton
Soil Science Society of America Journal 75 (3), 957-964, 2011
In‐season prediction of corn grain yield potential using normalized difference vegetation index
RK Teal, B Tubana, K Girma, KW Freeman, DB Arnall, O Walsh, WR Raun
Agronomy Journal 98 (6), 1488-1494, 2006
Responsive in-season nitrogen management for cereals
JF Shanahan, NR Kitchen, WR Raun, JS Schepers
Computers and electronics in agriculture 61 (1), 51-62, 2008
Spectral reflectance to estimate genetic variation for in‐season biomass, leaf chlorophyll, and canopy temperature in wheat
MA Babar, MP Reynolds, M Van Ginkel, AR Klatt, WR Raun, ML Stone
Crop science 46 (3), 1046-1057, 2006
Long-term cattle manure application in soil: I. Effect on soil phosphorus levels, microbial biomass C, and dehydrogenase and phosphatase activities
J Parham, S Deng, W Raun, G Johnson
Biology and Fertility of Soils 35, 328-337, 2002
By‐plant prediction of corn forage biomass and nitrogen uptake at various growth stages using remote sensing and plant height
KW Freeman, K Girma, DB Arnall, RW Mullen, KL Martin, RK Teal, ...
Agronomy Journal 99 (2), 530-536, 2007
Bacterial community structure and diversity in a century-old manure-treated agroecosystem
HY Sun, SP Deng, WR Raun
Applied and Environmental Microbiology 70 (10), 5868-5874, 2004
Nitrogen fertilization optimization algorithm based on in-season estimates of yield and plant nitrogen uptake
EV Lukina, KW Freeman, KJ Wynn, WE Thomason, RW Mullen, ML Stone, ...
Journal of plant nutrition 24 (6), 885-898, 2001
Corn response to nitrogen is influenced by soil texture and weather
N Tremblay, YM Bouroubi, C Bélec, RW Mullen, NR Kitchen, ...
Agronomy Journal 104 (6), 1658-1671, 2012
Identifying an in‐season response index and the potential to increase wheat yield with nitrogen
RW Mullen, KW Freeman, WR Raun, GV Johnson, ML Stone, JB Solie
Agronomy Journal 95 (2), 347-351, 2003
Spectral reflectance indices as a potential indirect selection criteria for wheat yield under irrigation
MA Babar, MP Reynolds, M Van Ginkel, AR Klatt, WR Raun, ML Stone
Crop Science 46 (2), 578-588, 2006
Influence of late‐season foliar nitrogen applications on yield and grain nitrogen in winter wheat
CW Woolfolk, WR Raun, GV Johnson, WE Thomason, RW Mullen, ...
Agronomy Journal 94 (3), 429-434, 2002
World phosphorus use efficiency in cereal crops
J Dhillon, G Torres, E Driver, B Figueiredo, WR Raun
Agronomy Journal 109 (4), 1670-1677, 2017
Estimating vegetation coverage in wheat using digital images
EV Lukina, ML Stone, WR Raun
Journal of Plant Nutrition 22 (2), 341-350, 1999
World cereal nitrogen use efficiency trends: review and current knowledge
P Omara, L Aula, F Oyebiyi, WR Raun
Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment 2 (1), 1-8, 2019
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Articles 1–20