Stefan Balint
Stefan Balint
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Bifurcation analysis for a two-dimensional delayed discrete-time Hopfield neural network
E Kaslik
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 34 (4), 1245-1253, 2007
Complex and chaotic dynamics in a discrete-time-delayed Hopfield neural network with ring architecture
E Kaslik, S Balint
Neural Networks 22 (10), 1411-1418, 2009
Methods for determination and approximation of the domain of attraction
E Kaslik, AM Balint
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 60 (4), 703-717, 2005
Chaotic dynamics of a delayed discrete-time Hopfield network of two nonidentical neurons with no self-connections
E Kaslik, Ş Balint
Journal of Nonlinear Science 18, 415-432, 2008
Bifurcation analysis for a discrete-time Hopfield neural network of two neurons with two delays and self-connections
E Kaslik
Chaos, Solitons & Fractals 39 (1), 83-91, 2009
Mathematical description of the groundwater flow and that of the impurity spread, which use temporal Caputo or Riemann–Liouville fractional partial derivatives, is non-objective
AM Balint, S Balint
Fractal and Fractional 4 (3), 36, 2020
On the Perron-Bellman theorem for systems with constant coefficients
S Balint
Ann. Univ. Timisoara 21 (fasc 1–2), 3-8, 1983
Gradual approximation of the domain of attraction by gradual extension of the" embryo" of the transformed optimal Lyapunov function
E Kaslik, AM Balint, S Balint
arXiv preprint math/0212287, 2002
Numerical analysis of the oscillation susceptibility along the path of longitudinal flight equilibria of a reentry vehicle
E Kaslik, AM Balint
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Applications 11 (3), 1953-1962, 2010
Modelling of the temperature changes by adequate changes of the pulling rate in the case of sheets and filaments grown from the melt in a vacuum by EFG method
L Braescu, AM Balint, I Jadaneantu
Journal of crystal growth 240 (1-2), 305-312, 2002
The effect of a periodic movement on the die of the bottom line of the melt/gas meniscus in the case of edge-defined film-fed growth system
L Braescu, AM Balint
Journal of crystal growth 259 (1-2), 121-129, 2003
Considerations concerning the maneuvering of some physical systems
S Balint
Analele Universit tii din Timisoara. Seria Stiinte Matematice 23 (1-2), 8-16, 1985
Control procedures using domains of attraction
E Kaslik, AM Balint, A Grigis
Nonlinear Analysis: Theory, Methods & Applications 63 (5-7), e2397-e2407, 2005
The growth of a single crystal filament and of a sheet with pre-established piece-wise constant diameter cross-section and half-thickness, respectively, from the melt in a …
L Braescu, AM Balint, Z Schlett
Journal of crystal growth 241 (3), 374-378, 2002
The optimal Lyapunov function in diagonalizable case
S Balint, A Balint, V Negru
Analele Universit tii din Timisoara. Seria Stiinte Matematice 24 (1-2), 1-7, 1986
Diffusion–convection in a porous medium with impervious inclusions at low flow rates
D Băltean, T Lévy, S Balint
Transport in porous media 51, 19-39, 2003
Oscillation susceptibility analysis along the path of the longitudinal flight equilibriums in ADMIRE model
S Balint, AM Balint, A Ioniţă
Journal of Aerospace Engineering 22 (4), 423-433, 2009
Structural stability of simplified dynamical system governing motion of ALFLEX reentry vehicle
E Kaslik, S Balint
Journal of Aerospace Engineering 20 (4), 215-219, 2007
Methods for determination and approximation of the domain of attraction in the case of autonomous discrete dynamical systems
S Balint, E Kaslik, AM Balint, A Grigis
Advances in Difference Equations 2006, 1-15, 2006
Configurations of steady states for Hopfield-type neural networks
E Kaslik
Applied mathematics and computation 182 (1), 934-946, 2006
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Articles 1–20