Andreas F. Terzis
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Monolayers in three dimensions: NMR, SAXS, thermal, and electron hopping studies of alkanethiol stabilized gold clusters
RH Terrill, TA Postlethwaite, C Chen, CD Poon, A Terzis, A Chen, ...
Journal of the American Chemical Society 117 (50), 12537-12548, 1995
Size-dependent band gap of colloidal quantum dots
S Baskoutas, AF Terzis
Journal of applied physics 99 (1), 2006
Electronic structure and nonlinear optical rectification in a quantum dot: effects of impurities and external electric field
S Baskoutas, E Paspalakis, AF Terzis
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 19 (39), 395024, 2007
Effects of excitons in nonlinear optical rectification in semiparabolic quantum dots
S Baskoutas, E Paspalakis, AF Terzis
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 74 (15), 153306, 2006
Linear and nonlinear optical properties of ZnO/ZnS and ZnS/ZnO core shell quantum dots: Effects of shell thickness, impurity, and dielectric environment
Z Zeng, CS Garoufalis, AF Terzis, S Baskoutas
Journal of Applied Physics 114 (2), 2013
Linear and nonlinear optical absorption coefficients in inverse parabolic quantum wells under static external electric field
S Baskoutas, C Garoufalis, AF Terzis
The European Physical Journal B 84, 241-247, 2011
Optical response of a quantum dot–metal nanoparticle hybrid interacting with a weak probe field
SG Kosionis, AF Terzis, SM Sadeghi, E Paspalakis
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25 (4), 045304, 2012
Controlled rotation in a double quantum dot structure
E Paspalakis, Z Kis, E Voutsinas, AF Terzis
Physical Review B 69 (15), 155316, 2004
Coherent manipulation of a strongly driven semiconductor quantum well
E Paspalakis, M Tsaousidou, AF Terzis
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (12), 125344, 2006
Strongly modified four-wave mixing in a coupled semiconductor quantum dot-metal nanoparticle system
E Paspalakis, S Evangelou, SG Kosionis, AF Terzis
Journal of Applied Physics 115 (8), 2014
Local field effects in excitonic population transfer in a driven quantum dot system
E Paspalakis, A Kalini, AF Terzis
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (7), 073305, 2006
Quantum interference induced sub-wavelength atomic localization
E Paspalakis, AF Terzis, PL Knight
Journal of Modern Optics 52 (12), 1685-1694, 2005
Binding energy of hydrogenic impurity states in an inverse parabolic quantum well under static external fields
S Baskoutas, AF Terzis
The European Physical Journal B 69, 237-244, 2009
Nonlinear optical susceptibilities of semiconductor quantum dot–metal nanoparticle hybrids
AF Terzis, SG Kosionis, J Boviatsis, E Paspalakis
Journal of Modern Optics 63 (5), 451-461, 2016
Control of excitonic population inversion in a coupled semiconductor quantum dot–metal nanoparticle system
E Paspalakis, S Evangelou, AF Terzis
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 87 (23), 235302, 2013
Nonlocal effects in energy absorption of coupled quantum dot–metal nanoparticle systems
SG Kosionis, AF Terzis, V Yannopapas, E Paspalakis
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116 (44), 23663-23670, 2012
Binding energy of hydrogenic impurity states in an inverse parabolic quantum well under electric field
S Baskoutas, AF Terzis
Physica E: Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures 40 (5), 1367-1370, 2008
Binding energy of donor states in a quantum dot with parabolic confinement
S Baskoutas, AF Terzis, E Voutsinas
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 1 (3), 315-319, 2004
Phase-dependent optical effects in a four-level quantum system near a plasmonic nanostructure
E Paspalakis, S Evangelou, V Yannopapas, AF Terzis
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 88 (5), 053832, 2013
Electrostatic interactions in liquid crystals: ordering of rigid solutes in nematic solvents
AF Terzis, DJ Photinos
Molecular Physics 83 (4), 847-865, 1994
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Articles 1–20