R.W.B. Blonk
R.W.B. Blonk
TNO / Universiteit Utrecht
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The benefits of interventions for work-related stress.
JJ Van der Klink, RW Blonk, AH Schene, FJ Van Dijk
American journal of public health 91 (2), 270, 2001
Stressful work, psychological job strain, and turnover: a 2-year prospective cohort study of truck drivers.
EM De Croon, JK Sluiter, RWB Blonk, JPJ Broersen, MHW Frings-Dresen
Journal of applied psychology 89 (3), 442, 2004
Reducing long term sickness absence by an activating intervention in adjustment disorders: a cluster randomised controlled design
JJL van der Klink, RWB Blonk, AH Schene, FJH van Dijk
Occupational and environmental medicine 60 (6), 429-437, 2003
Competencies for the contemporary career: Development and preliminary validation of the career competencies questionnaire
J Akkermans, V Brenninkmeijer, M Huibers, RWB Blonk
Journal of Career Development 40 (3), 245-267, 2013
Return to work: a comparison of two cognitive behavioural interventions in cases of work-related psychological complaints among the self-employed
RWB Blonk, V Brenninkmeijer, SE Lagerveld, ILD Houtman
Work & Stress 20 (2), 129-144, 2006
Factors associated with work participation and work functioning in depressed workers: a systematic review
SE Lagerveld, U Bültmann, RL Franche, FJH Van Dijk, MC Vlasveld, ...
Journal of occupational rehabilitation 20, 275-292, 2010
De DASS: een vragenlijst voor het meten van depressie, angst en stress
E de Beurs, R Van Dyck, LA Marquenie, A Lange, RWB Blonk
Gedragstherapie 34 (1), 35-54, 2001
The role of career competencies in the Job Demands—Resources model
J Akkermans, WB Schaufeli, V Brenninkmeijer, RWB Blonk
Journal of Vocational Behavior 83 (3), 356-366, 2013
The Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS): detecting anxiety disorder and depression in employees absent from work because of mental health problems
K Nieuwenhuijsen, A De Boer, J Verbeek, RWB Blonk, FJH Van Dijk
Occupational and environmental medicine 60 (suppl 1), i77-i82, 2003
Predictors of job search behavior among employed and unemployed people
EAV Hooft, MP Born, TW Taris, HVANDER FLIER, RWB Blonk
Personnel Psychology 57 (1), 25-59, 2004
Work-focused treatment of common mental disorders and return to work: a comparative outcome study.
SE Lagerveld, RWB Blonk, V Brenninkmeijer, L Wijngaards-de Meij, ...
Journal of occupational health psychology 17 (2), 220, 2012
Supervisory behaviour as a predictor of return to work in employees absent from work due to mental health problems
K Nieuwenhuijsen, JHAM Verbeek, AGEM de Boer, RWB Blonk, ...
Occupational and environmental medicine 61 (10), 817-823, 2004
Predicting the duration of sickness absence for patients with common mental disorders in occupational health care
K Nieuwenhuijsen, JHAM Verbeek, AGEM de Boer, RWB Blonk, ...
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health, 67-74, 2006
Return to work among employees with mental health problems: development and validation of a self-efficacy questionnaire
SE Lagerveld, RWB Blonk, V Brenninkmeijer, WB Schaufeli
Work & Stress 24 (4), 359-375, 2010
Bridging the gap between intentions and behavior: Implementation intentions, action control, and procrastination
EAJ Van Hooft, MP Born, TW Taris, H van der Flier, RWB Blonk
Journal of Vocational Behavior 66 (2), 238-256, 2005
Individual and group cognitive-behavioral treatment for work-related stress complaints and sickness absence: a randomized controlled trial.
W De Vente, JH Kamphuis, PMG Emmelkamp, RWB Blonk
Journal of occupational health psychology 13 (3), 214, 2008
It's all about CareerSKILLS: Effectiveness of a career development intervention for young employees
JOS Akkermans, V Brenninkmeijer, WB Schaufeli, RWB Blonk
Human Resource Management 54 (4), 533-551, 2015
Job stress, fatigue, and job dissatisfaction in Dutch lorry drivers: towards an occupation specific model of job demands and control
EM De Croon, RWB Blonk, BCH De Zwart, MHW Frings-Dresen, ...
Occupational and environmental medicine 59 (6), 356-361, 2002
All day and all of the night: The relative contribution of two dimensions of workaholism to well-being in self-employed workers
TW Taris, SAE Geurts, WB Schaufeli, RWB Blonk, SE Lagerveld
Work & Stress 22 (2), 153-165, 2008
The effect of a cognitive and a physical stress-reducing programme on psychological complaints
W Van Rhenen, RWB Blonk, JJL van der Klink, FJH van Dijk, ...
International archives of occupational and environmental health 78, 139-148, 2005
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Articles 1–20