Scheduling a multi class queue with many exponential servers: Asymptotic optimality in heavy traffic R Atar, A Mandelbaum, MI Reiman | 187 | 2004 |
The cμ/θ rule for many-server queues with abandonment R Atar, C Giat, N Shimkin Operations Research 58 (5), 1427-1439, 2010 | 173 | 2010 |
Exponential stability for nonlinear filtering R Atar, O Zeitouni Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare (B) Probability and Statistics 33 (6 …, 1997 | 164 | 1997 |
Scheduling control for queueing systems with many servers: Asymptotic optimality in heavy traffic R Atar | 118 | 2005 |
Lyapunov exponents for finite state nonlinear filtering R Atar, O Zeitouni SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 35 (1), 36-55, 1997 | 103 | 1997 |
On Neumann eigenfunctions in lip domains R Atar, K Burdzy Journal of the American Mathematical Society 17 (2), 243-265, 2004 | 93 | 2004 |
Mutual information, relative entropy, and estimation in the Poisson channel R Atar, T Weissman IEEE Transactions on Information theory 58 (3), 1302-1318, 2012 | 75 | 2012 |
On positive recurrence of constrained diffusion processes R Atar, A Budhiraja, P Dupuis Annals of probability, 979-1000, 2001 | 73 | 2001 |
Robust bounds on risk-sensitive functionals via Rényi divergence R Atar, K Chowdhary, P Dupuis SIAM/ASA Journal on Uncertainty Quantification 3 (1), 18-33, 2015 | 69 | 2015 |
On the asymptotic optimality of the cμ/θ rule under ergodic cost R Atar, C Giat, N Shimkin Queueing Systems 67, 127-144, 2011 | 65 | 2011 |
A diffusion regime with nondegenerate slowdown R Atar Operations Research 60 (2), 490-500, 2012 | 63 | 2012 |
Large deviations and queueing networks: methods for rate function identification R Atar, P Dupuis Stochastic processes and their applications 84 (2), 255-296, 1999 | 59 | 1999 |
A diffusion model of scheduling control in queueing systems with many servers R Atar | 56 | 2005 |
Exponential stability for nonlinear filtering of diffusion processes in a noncompact domain R Atar The Annals of Probability 26 (4), 1552-1574, 1998 | 56 | 1998 |
Central limit theorem for a many-server queue with random service rates R Atar | 49 | 2008 |
A blind policy for equalizing cumulative idleness R Atar, YY Shaki, A Shwartz Queueing Systems 67 (4), 275-293, 2011 | 43 | 2011 |
Fluid limits for many-server systems with reneging under a priority policy R Atar, H Kaspi, N Shimkin Mathematics of Operations Research 39 (3), 672-696, 2014 | 40 | 2014 |
Optimal scheduling in the hybrid-cloud M Shifrin, R Atar, I Cidon 2013 IFIP/IEEE International Symposium on Integrated Network Management (IM …, 2013 | 40 | 2013 |
Control of fork-join networks in heavy traffic R Atar, A Mandelbaum, A Zviran 2012 50th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and …, 2012 | 38 | 2012 |
On nodal lines of Neumann eigenfunctions. R Atar, K Burdzy Electronic Communications in Probability [electronic only] 7, 129-139, 2002 | 36 | 2002 |