Vasiliy Makhalov
Vasiliy Makhalov
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Observation of a two-dimensional Fermi gas of atoms
K Martiyanov, V Makhalov, A Turlapov
Physical review letters 105 (3), 030404, 2010
Ground-state pressure of quasi-2D Fermi and Bose gases
V Makhalov, K Martiyanov, A Turlapov
Physical review letters 112 (4), 045301, 2014
Probing chiral edge dynamics and bulk topology of a synthetic Hall system
T Chalopin, T Satoor, A Evrard, V Makhalov, J Dalibard, R Lopes, ...
Nature Physics 16 (10), 1017-1021, 2020
Quantum-enhanced sensing using non-classical spin states of a highly magnetic atom
T Chalopin, C Bouazza, A Evrard, V Makhalov, D Dreon, J Dalibard, ...
Nature communications 9 (1), 4955, 2018
Enhanced magnetic sensitivity with non-Gaussian quantum fluctuations
A Evrard, V Makhalov, T Chalopin, LA Sidorenkov, J Dalibard, R Lopes, ...
Physical review letters 122 (17), 173601, 2019
Primary vacuometer based on an ultracold gas in a shallow optical dipole trap
VB Makhalov, KA Martiyanov, AV Turlapov
Metrologia 53 (6), 1287, 2016
Probing quantum criticality and symmetry breaking at the microscopic level
V Makhalov, T Satoor, A Evrard, T Chalopin, R Lopes, S Nascimbene
Physical review letters 123 (12), 120601, 2019
Pressure profiles of nonuniform two-dimensional atomic Fermi gases
K Martiyanov, T Barmashova, V Makhalov, A Turlapov
Physical Review A 93 (6), 063622, 2016
Anisotropic light shift and magic polarization of the intercombination line of dysprosium atoms in a far-detuned dipole trap
T Chalopin, V Makhalov, C Bouazza, A Evrard, A Barker, M Lepers, ...
Physical Review A 98 (4), 040502, 2018
A vacuum gauge based on an ultracold gas
VB Makhalov, AV Turlapov
Quantum Electronics 47 (5), 431, 2017
A strontium quantum-gas microscope
S Buob, J Höschele, V Makhalov, A Rubio-Abadal, L Tarruell
PRX Quantum 5 (2), 020316, 2024
Atom-number enhancement by shielding atoms from losses in strontium magneto-optical traps
J Höschele, S Buob, A Rubio-Abadal, V Makhalov, L Tarruell
Physical Review Applied 19 (6), 064011, 2023
Fermi liquid-to-Bose condensate crossover in a two-dimensional ultracold gas experiment
TV Barmashova, KA Martiyanov, VB Makhalov, AV Turlapov
Physics-Uspekhi 59 (2), 174, 2016
Precision measurement of a trapping potential for an ultracold gas
V Makhalov, K Martiyanov, T Barmashova, A Turlapov
Physics Letters A 379 (4), 327-332, 2015
Order in the interference of a long chain of Bose condensates with unrestricted phases
V Makhalov, A Turlapov
Physical Review Letters 122 (9), 090403, 2019
Visible radiation-induced connection of single-mode IR fibres in a photopolymerising composition
SN Mensov, YV Polushtaitsev, EM Dianov, MI Belovolov, VB Makhalov
Quantum Electronics 38 (12), 1142, 2008
Observation of a degenerate Fermi gas confined by a standing electromagnetic wave
KA Martiyanov, VB Makhalov, AV Turlapov
JETP Letters 91, 369-372, 2010
Work on the physics of ultracold atoms in Russia
NN Kolachevsky, AV Taichenachev
Quantum Electronics 48 (5), 401A, 2018
Probing supersolidity through excitations in a spin-orbit-coupled Bose-Einstein condensate
CS Chisholm, S Hirthe, VB Makhalov, R Ramos, R Vatré, J Cabedo, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2412.13861, 2024
Exploring the topology of a quantum Hall system at the microscopic level
T Chalopin, T Satoor, A Evrard, V Makhalov, J Dalibard, R Lopes, ...
gas], 2020
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Articles 1–20