Debankur Mukherjee
Debankur Mukherjee
Leo and Louise Benatar Early Career Professor and Assistant Professor, Georgia Tech
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Cited by
Scalable load balancing in networked systems: A survey of recent advances
MV der Boor, SC Borst, JSH Van Leeuwaarden, D Mukherjee
SIAM Review 64 (3), 554-622, 2022
Universality of Power-of-d Load Balancing in Many-Server Systems
D Mukherjee, SC Borst, JSH van Leeuwaarden, PA Whiting
Stochastic Systems 8 (4), 265-292, 2018
Optimal Service Elasticity in Large-Scale Distributed Systems
D Mukherjee, S Dhara, S Borst, JSH van Leeuwaarden
SIGMETRICS '17, June 5-9, 2017, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois, USA, 2017
Universality of Load Balancing Schemes on the Diffusion Scale
D Mukherjee, SC Borst, JSH van Leeuwaarden, PA Whiting
Journal of Applied Probability 53 (4), 1111-1124, 2016
Supermarket Model on Graphs
A Budhiraja, D Mukherjee, R Wu
Annals of Applied Probability 29 (3), 1740-1777, 2019
Join-the-Shortest Queue Diffusion Limit in Halfin-Whitt Regime: Tail Asymptotics and Scaling of Extrema
S Banerjee, D Mukherjee
Annals of Applied Probability 29 (2), 1262-1309, 2019
Asymptotically Optimal Load Balancing Topologies
D Mukherjee, SC Borst, JSH van Leeuwaarden
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst. 2 (1), 14:1-14:29, 2018
Asymptotic optimality of power-of- load balancing in large-scale systems
D Mukherjee, SC Borst, JSH van Leeuwaarden, PA Whiting
Mathematics of Operations Research 45 (4), 1193–1620, 2020
Asymptotic Optimality of Power-of-d Load Balancing in Large-Scale Systems
D Mukherjee, SC Borst, JSH van Leeuwaarden, PA Whiting
Math. Oper. Res. 45 (4), 1535-1571, 2020
Scalable load balancing in networked systems: Universality properties and stochastic coupling methods
M Van der Boor, SC Borst, JSH Van Leeuwaarden, D Mukherjee
Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians: Rio de Janeiro …, 2018
Universality of power-of-d load balancing schemes
D Mukherjee, S Borst, J Van Leeuwaarden, P Whiting
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 44 (2), 36-38, 2016
Join-the-Shortest Queue Diffusion Limit in Halfin-Whitt Regime: Sensitivity on the Heavy-traffic Parameter
S Banerjee, D Mukherjee
Annals of Applied Probability 30 (1), 80-144, 2020
Load balancing under strict compatibility constraints
D Rutten, D Mukherjee
Mathematics of Operations Research 48 (1), 227-256, 2023
Online optimization with untrusted predictions
D Rutten, N Christianson, D Mukherjee, A Wierman
arXiv preprint arXiv:2202.03519, 2022
Join-Idle-Queue with Service Elasticity: Large-Scale Asymptotics of a Non-monotone System
D Mukherjee, A Stolyar
Stochastic Systems 9 (4), 338-358, 2019
Smoothed online optimization with unreliable predictions
D Rutten, N Christianson, D Mukherjee, A Wierman
Proceedings of the ACM on Measurement and Analysis of Computing Systems 7 (1 …, 2023
Exploiting data locality to improve performance of heterogeneous server clusters
Z Zhao, D Mukherjee, R Wu
Stochastic Systems, 2024
Generalized Random Sequential Adsorption on Erdős–Rényi Random Graphs
S Dhara, JSH van Leeuwaarden, D Mukherjee
Journal of Statistical Physics 164 (5), 1217–1232, 2016
Mean-field analysis for load balancing on spatial graphs
D Rutten, D Mukherjee
Abstract Proceedings of the 2023 ACM SIGMETRICS International Conference on …, 2023
Independent set reconfiguration thresholds of hereditary graph classes
M de Berg, BMP Jansen, D Mukherjee
Discrete Applied Mathematics 250, 165-182, 2018
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Articles 1–20