Mehdi Rahim
Mehdi Rahim
Postdoc INRIA - CEA
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Cited by
Predicting brain-age from multimodal imaging data captures cognitive impairment
F Liem, G Varoquaux, J Kynast, F Beyer, SK Masouleh, JM Huntenburg, ...
Neuroimage 148, 179-188, 2017
Benchmarking functional connectome-based predictive models for resting-state fMRI
K Dadi, M Rahim, A Abraham, D Chyzhyk, M Milham, B Thirion, ...
NeuroImage 192, 115-134, 2019
Female patient-specific finite element modeling of pelvic organ prolapse (POP)
ZW Chen, P Joli, ZQ Feng, M Rahim, N Pirró, ME Bellemare
Journal of biomechanics 48 (2), 238-245, 2015
Dopamine transporter and reward anticipation in a dimensional perspective: a multimodal brain imaging study
M Dubol, C Trichard, C Leroy, AL Sandu, M Rahim, B Granger, ...
Neuropsychopharmacology 43 (4), 820-827, 2018
Joint prediction of multiple scores captures better individual traits from brain images
M Rahim, B Thirion, D Bzdok, I Buvat, G Varoquaux
Neuroimage 158, 145-154, 2017
Transmodal learning of functional networks for Alzheimer's disease prediction
M Rahim, B Thirion, C Comtat, G Varoquaux
IEEE journal of selected topics in signal processing 10 (7), 1204-1213, 2016
Population shrinkage of covariance (PoSCE) for better individual brain functional-connectivity estimation
M Rahim, B Thirion, G Varoquaux
Medical image analysis 54, 138-148, 2019
Family history of alcohol use disorder is associated with brain structural and functional changes in healthy first-degree relatives
I Filippi, N Hoertel, E Artiges, G Airagnes, C Guérin-Langlois, ...
European psychiatry 62, 107-115, 2019
Integrating multimodal priors in predictive models for the functional characterization of Alzheimer’s disease
M Rahim, B Thirion, A Abraham, M Eickenberg, E Dohmatob, C Comtat, ...
Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention--MICCAI 2015 …, 2015
Automatic classification of skin lesions using color mathematical morphology-based texture descriptors
V Gonzalez-Castro, J Debayle, Y Wazaefi, M Rahim, C Gaudy-Marqueste, ...
Twelfth International Conference on Quality Control by Artificial Vision …, 2015
Comparing functional connectivity based predictive models across datasets
K Dadi, A Abraham, M Rahim, B Thirion, G Varoquaux
2016 International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging (PRNI), 1-4, 2016
Uterus segmentation in dynamic MRI using lbp texture descriptors
R Namías, ME Bellemare, M Rahim, N Pirró
Medical Imaging 2014: Image Processing 9034, 1009-1017, 2014
A diffeomorphic mapping based characterization of temporal sequences: application to the pelvic organ dynamics assessment
M Rahim, ME Bellemare, R Bulot, N Pirró
Journal of mathematical imaging and vision 47 (1), 151-164, 2013
Multi-output predictions from neuroimaging: assessing reduced-rank linear models
M Rahim, B Thirion, G Varoquaux
2017 International Workshop on Pattern Recognition in Neuroimaging (PRNI), 1-4, 2017
Population-shrinkage of covariance to estimate better brain functional connectivity
M Rahim, B Thirion, G Varoquaux
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention− MICCAI 2017 …, 2017
Texture descriptors based on adaptive neighborhoods for classification of pigmented skin lesions
V González-Castro, J Debayle, Y Wazaefi, M Rahim, C Gaudy-Marqueste, ...
Journal of Electronic Imaging 24 (6), 061104-061104, 2015
A shape descriptors comparison for organs deformation sequence characterization in mri sequences
M Rahim, ME Bellemare, N Pirró, R Bulot
2009 16th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1069-1072, 2009
Multivariate Hurst exponent estimation in fMRI. Application to brain decoding of perceptual learning
H Pellé, P Ciuciu, M Rahim, E Dohmatob, P Abry, V Van Wassenhove
2016 IEEE 13th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI), 996-1000, 2016
Résultats préliminaires et perspectives de la modélisation dynamique pelvienne patient-spécifique
N Pirro, ME Bellemare, M Rahim, O Durieux, I Sielezneff, B Sastre, ...
Pelvi-périnéologie 4 (1), 15-21, 2009
Automatic classification of skin lesions using geometrical measurements of adaptive neighborhoods and local binary patterns
V González-Castro, J Debayle, Y Wazaefi, M Rahim, C Gaudy, JJ Grob, ...
2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 1722-1726, 2015
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Articles 1–20