Richard Kunert
Richard Kunert
Max Planck Insitute for Psycholinguistics & Donders Institute for Brain, Behaviour and Cognition
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Cited by
Music and language syntax interact in Broca’s area: an fMRI study
R Kunert, RM Willems, D Casasanto, AD Patel, P Hagoort
PloS one 10 (11), e0141069, 2015
Language influences music harmony perception: effects of shared syntactic integration resources beyond attention
R Kunert, RM Willems, P Hagoort
Royal Society open science 3 (2), 150685, 2016
Adaptation in child directed speech: Evidence from corpora
R Kunert, R Fernández, W Zuidema
Proc. SemDial, 112-119, 2011
Internal conceptual replications do not increase independent replication success
R Kunert
Psychonomic bulletin & review 23 (5), 1631-1638, 2016
A Commentary on:“Neural overlap in processing music and speech”
R Kunert, LR Slevc
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9, 330, 2015
Entrainment to an auditory signal: Is attention involved?
R Kunert, SR Jongman
Journal of experimental psychology: general 146 (1), 77, 2017
An independent psychometric evaluation of the PROMS measure of music perception skills
R Kunert, RM Willems, P Hagoort
PLoS One 11 (7), e0159103, 2016
Speed and accuracy of dyslexic versus typical word recognition: an eye-movement investigation
R Kunert, C Scheepers
Frontiers in Psychology 5, 1129, 2014
Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation over inferior frontal cortex impairs the suppression (but not expression) of action impulses during action conflict
AD Van Campen, R Kunert, WPM Van den Wildenberg, KR Ridderinkhof
Psychophysiology 55 (3), e13003, 2018
Music and language comprehension in the brain
R Kunert
Radboud University Nijmegen Nijmegen, 2017
Repetitive TMS over IFC impairs suppression but not expression of action impulses during action conflict
AD van Campen, R Kunert, WPM van den Wildenberg, KR Ridderinkhof
Action conflict under control: An integrated perspective on action control …, 2015
Language, Nature and Nurture–Can Genes Settle the Debate
R Kunert, S Jongman, T Prins
International Max Planck Research School (IMPRS), Sept, 2013
How language influences your perception of music-evidence for shared syntax processing
R Kunert, RM Willems, P Hagoort
the Donders Discussions, 2013
Entrainment to an auditory rhythm: Is attention involved?
R Kunert, SR Jongman
the 14th International Conference on Music Perception and Cognition, 2016
Attention effects on word memory: A rhythm manipulation
R Kunert, SR Jongman
the Workshop Memory consolidation and word learning, 2015
Rhythmic attention: Using choice models for understanding music's effect on behaviour
R Kunert, SR Jongman
the SMART Cognitive Science, 2015
Shared syntactic processing mechanism in music and language: A brain imaging study
R Kunert, RM Willems, D Casasanto, AD Patel, P Hagoort
The biennial meeting of the Society for Music Perception and Cognition [SMPC …, 2013
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Articles 1–17