Mark B Houston
Mark B Houston
Professor of Marketing, Texas Christian University
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Review articles: Purpose, process, and structure
RW Palmatier, MB Houston, J Hulland
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 46, 1-5, 2018
Marketing in the sharing economy
GM Eckhardt, MB Houston, B Jiang, C Lamberton, A Rindfleisch, G Zervas
Journal of Marketing 83 (5), 5-27, 2019
Relationship velocity: Toward a theory of relationship dynamics
RW Palmatier, MB Houston, RP Dant, D Grewal
Journal of Marketing 77 (1), 13-30, 2013
Use of relationship marketing programs in building customer–salesperson and customer–firm relationships: Differential influences on financial outcomes
RW Palmatier, LK Scheer, MB Houston, KR Evans, S Gopalakrishna
International Journal of Research in Marketing 24 (3), 210-223, 2007
The relationship between waiting in a service queue and evaluations of service quality: A field theory perspective
MB Houston, LA Bettencourt, S Wenger
Psychology & Marketing 15 (8), 735-753, 1998
Does innate consumer innovativeness relate to new product/service adoption behavior? The intervening role of social learning via vicarious innovativeness
S Im, CH Mason, MB Houston
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 35, 63-75, 2007
Returns on business-to-business relationship marketing investments: Strategies for leveraging profits
RW Palmatier, S Gopalakrishna, MB Houston
Marketing science 25 (5), 477-493, 2006
Buyer–supplier contracts versus joint ventures: Determinants and consequences of transaction structure
MB Houston, SA Johnson
Journal of marketing research 37 (1), 1-15, 2000
Why systematic review papers and meta-analyses matter: An introduction to the special issue on generalizations in marketing
J Hulland, MB Houston
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 48, 351-359, 2020
The last picture show? Timing and order of movie distribution channels
T Hennig-Thurau, V Henning, H Sattler, F Eggers, MB Houston
Journal of Marketing 71 (4), 63-83, 2007
Barriers to matching new technologies and market opportunities in established firms
EU Bond III, MB Houston
Journal of product innovation management 20 (2), 120-135, 2003
Conceptualizing and measuring the monetary value of brand extensions: The case of motion pictures
T Hennig-Thurau, MB Houston, T Heitjans
Journal of Marketing 73 (6), 167-183, 2009
A rexamination of the motives and gains in joint ventures
SA Johnson, MB Houston
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 35 (1), 67-85, 2000
Transformational relationship events
CM Harmeling, RW Palmatier, MB Houston, MJ Arnold, SA Samaha
Journal of Marketing 79 (5), 39-62, 2015
Determinants of motion picture box office and profitability: an interrelationship approach
T Hennig-Thurau, MB Houston, G Walsh
Review of Managerial Science 1, 65-92, 2007
The differing roles of success drivers across sequential channels: An application to the motion picture industry
T Hennig-Thurau, MB Houston, G Walsh
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 34 (4), 559-575, 2006
Social dollars in online communities: The effect of product, user, and network characteristics
E Park, R Rishika, R Janakiraman, MB Houston, B Yoo
Journal of Marketing 82 (1), 93-114, 2018
Assessing the validity of secondary data proxies for marketing constructs
MB Houston
Journal of Business Research 57 (2), 154-161, 2004
Can good marketing carry a bad product? Evidence from the motion picture industry
T Hennig-Thurau, MB Houston, S Sridhar
Marketing Letters 17, 205-219, 2006
Entertainment science
T Hennig-Thurau, MB Houston
Data Analytics and Practical Theory for Movies, Games, Books, and Music …, 2019
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Articles 1–20