Vacha Dave
Vacha Dave
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Cited by
Scalable proximity estimation and link prediction in online social networks
HH Song, TW Cho, V Dave, Y Zhang, L Qiu
Proceedings of the 9th ACM SIGCOMM conference on Internet measurement, 322-335, 2009
Secure friend discovery in mobile social networks
W Dong, V Dave, L Qiu, Y Zhang
2011 proceedings ieee infocom, 1647-1655, 2011
Measuring and fingerprinting click-spam in ad networks
V Dave, S Guha, Y Zhang
Proceedings of the ACM SIGCOMM 2012 conference on Applications, technologies …, 2012
Botcoin: Monetizing stolen cycles.
DY Huang, H Dharmdasani, S Meiklejohn, V Dave, C Grier, D McCoy, ...
NDSS 2014, 1-16, 2014
Characterizing large-scale click fraud in zeroaccess
P Pearce, V Dave, C Grier, K Levchenko, S Guha, D McCoy, V Paxson, ...
Proceedings of the 2014 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications …, 2014
Viceroi: Catching click-spam in search ad networks
V Dave, S Guha, Y Zhang
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSAC conference on Computer & communications …, 2013
Model-driven energy-aware rate adaptation
MO Khan, V Dave, YC Chen, O Jensen, L Qiu, A Bhartia, S Rallapalli
Proceedings of the fourteenth ACM international symposium on Mobile ad hoc …, 2013
Clustered embedding of massive social networks
HH Song, B Savas, TW Cho, V Dave, Z Lu, IS Dhillon, Y Zhang, L Qiu
ACM SIGMETRICS Performance Evaluation Review 40 (1), 331-342, 2012
Empirical analysis of search advertising strategies
BC Vattikonda, V Dave, S Guha, AC Snoeren
Proceedings of the 2015 Internet Measurement Conference, 79-91, 2015
Interpreting advertiser intent in sponsored search
BC Vattikonda, S Kodipaka, H Zhou, V Dave, S Guha, AC Snoeren
Proceedings of the 21th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge …, 2015
The zeroaccess auto-clicking and search-hijacking click fraud modules
P Pearce, C Grier, V Paxson, V Dave, D McCoy, GM Voelker, S Savage
Big Data
R Zhang, MHJ Sidik
Artificial Intelligence, and Financial Literacy: Exploring their Combined …, 2024
Botcoin: Monetizing Stolen Cycles
K Levchenko, V Dave, S Savage, AC Snoeren, D McCoy, C Grier, ...
The ZeroAccess Auto-Clicking and Search Hijacking Click Fraud Modules (Technical Report) DRAFT
P Pearce, C Grier, V Paxson, V Dave, D McCoy, GM Voelker, S Savage
The ZeroAccess Auto-clicking and Search-hijacking Click Fraud Modules: Technical Report
PJ Pearce, C Grier, V Paxson, V Dave, D McCoy, GM Voelker, S Savage
[Department of Computer Science and Engineering], University of California …, 2013
V Dave, S Guha, Y Zhang
Proceedings of the 2013 ACM SIGSAC conference on Computer & communications …, 2013
Measuring, fingerprinting and catching click-spam in ad networks
VR Dave
Fast and Accurate Low Rank Approximation of Massive Graphs
IS Dhillon
Saikat Guha saikat guha
E Click-Spam, F Click-Spam, V Dave
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Articles 1–19