Liang Zhao
Cited by
Cited by
Data Consistency Properties and the Trade-offs in Commercial Cloud Storages: the Consumers’ Perspective
H Wada, A Fekete, L Zhao, K Lee, A Liu
Proceedings of the 5th Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems …, 2011
Peer-to-Peer Cloud Provisioning: Service Discovery and Load-Balancing
R Ranjan, L Zhao, X Wu, A Liu, A Quiroz, M Parashar
Cloud Computing: Principles, Systems and Applications, 195-217, 2010
A Framework for Consumer-Centric SLA Management of Cloud-Hosted Databases
L Zhao, S Sakr, A Liu
IEEE Trans. Service Comput., 1, 2013
Cloud Data Management
L Zhao, S Sakr, A Liu, A Bouguettaya
Springer International Publishing, 2014
Evaluating Cloud Platform Architecture with the CARE Framework
L Zhao, A Liu, J Keung
Proceedings of the 17th Asia Pacific Software Engineering Conference (APSEC …, 2010
Towards Comprehensive Measurement of Consistency Guarantees for Cloud-Hosted Data Storage Services
D Bermbach, L Zhao, S Sakr
Proceedings of the 5th TPC Technology Conference on Performance Evaluation …, 2013
Peer-to-Peer Service Provisioning in Cloud Computing Environments
R Ranjan, L Zhao
J. Supercomput. 65 (1), 154-184, 2013
CloudDB AutoAdmin: Towards a Truly Elastic Cloud-Based Data Store
S Sakr, L Zhao, H Wada, A Liu
Proceedings of the IEEE 9th International Conference on Web Services (ICWS …, 2011
Application-Managed Database Replication on Virtualized Cloud Environments
L Zhao, S Sakr, A Fekete, H Wada, A Liu
Proceedings of the IEEE 28th International Conference on Data Engineering …, 2012
YuruBackup: A Space-Efficient and Highly Scalable Incremental Backup System in the Cloud
Q Xu, L Zhao, M Xiao, A Liu, Y Dai
Int. J. Parallel Prog., 1-23, 2013
Application-managed Replication Controller for Cloud-hosted Databases
L Zhao, S Sakr, A Liu
Proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference on Cloud Computing …, 2012
An Architecture Framework for Application-Managed Scaling of Cloud-Hosted Relational Databases
L Zhao, S Sakr, L Zhu, X Xu, A Liu
Proceedings of the Joint 10th Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software …, 2012
Consumer-Centric SLA Manager for Cloud-Hosted Databases
L Zhao, S Sakr, A Liu
Proceedings of the 22nd ACM International Conference on Information …, 2013
CloudDB AutoAdmin: A Consumer-Centric Framework for SLA Management of Virtualized Database Servers
S Sakr, L Zhao, A Liu
Large Scale and Big Data: Processing and Management, 357-388, 2014
SLA-Driven Database Replication on Cloud Platforms
L Zhao
University of New South Wales, 2013
On the Spectrum of Web Scale Data Management
L Zhao, S Sakr, A Liu
Cloud Computing: Methodology, Systems, and Applications, 487–509, 2011
An Overview of the NoSQL World
L Zhao, S Sakr, A Liu
Large Scale and Big Data: Processing and Management, 287-324, 2014
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Articles 1–17