Akash Kumar Shukla
Akash Kumar Shukla
Assistant Professor/Electrical Engineering, MITS Gwalior,MP
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Cited by
Recent advancement in BIPV product technologies: A review
AK Shukla, K Sudhakar, P Baredar
Energy and Buildings 140, 188-195, 2017
Review on sun tracking technology in solar PV system
A Awasthi, AK Shukla, MM SR, C Dondariya, KN Shukla, D Porwal, ...
Energy Reports 6, 392-405, 2020
A comprehensive review on design of building integrated photovoltaic system
AK Shukla, K Sudhakar, P Baredar
Energy and Buildings 128, 99-110, 2016
Simulation and performance analysis of 110 kWp grid-connected photovoltaic system for residential building in India: A comparative analysis of various PV technology
AK Shukla, K Sudhakar, P Baredar
Energy Reports 2, 82-88, 2016
Design, simulation and economic analysis of standalone roof top solar PV system in India
AK Shukla, K Sudhakar, P Baredar
Solar Energy 136, 437-449, 2016
Renewable energy resources in South Asian countries: Challenges, policy and recommendations
AK Shukla, K Sudhakar, P Baredar
Resource-Efficient Technologies 3 (3), 342-346, 2017
Performance simulation of grid-connected rooftop solar PV system for small households: A case study of Ujjain, India
C Dondariya, D Porwal, A Awasthi, AK Shukla, K Sudhakar, MM SR, ...
Energy Reports 4, 546-553, 2018
Solar PV and BIPV system: Barrier, challenges and policy recommendation in India
AK Shukla, K Sudhakar, P Baredar, R Mamat
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 82, 3314-3322, 2018
Exergetic assessment of BIPV module using parametric and photonic energy methods: a review
AK Shukla, K Sudhakar, P Baredar
Energy and Buildings 119, 62-73, 2016
BIPV in Southeast Asian countries–opportunities and challenges
AK Shukla, K Sudhakar, P Baredar, R Mamat
Renewable energy focus 21, 25-32, 2017
BIPV based sustainable building in South Asian countries
RM Akash KumarShukla,K.Sudhakar,Prashant Baredar
Solar Energy 170, 1162-1170, 2018
Exergetic analysis of building integrated semitransparent photovoltaic module in clear sky condition at Bhopal India
AK Shukla, K Sudhakar, P Baredar
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 8, 142-151, 2016
Experimental exergy analysis of water-cooled PV module
P Kumar, AK Shukla, K Sudhakar, R Mamat
International Journal of Exergy 23 (3), 197-209, 2017
Effect of different counter electrodes on power conversion efficiency of DSSCs
G Richhariya, A Kumar, AK Shukla, KN Shukla, BC Meikap
Journal of Electronic Materials 52 (1), 60-71, 2023
Efficient photosensitive light harvesting dye sensitized solar cell using hibiscus and rhodamine dyes
G Richhariya, A Kumar, AK Shukla, KN Shukla, I Chanakaewsomboon
Journal of Power Sources 572, 233112, 2023
Performance analysis of 68 W flexible solar PV
K Pankaj, JS Sam, K Shukla Akash, K Sudhakar, K Arbind
J Energy Res Environ Technol 2 (3), 227-231, 2015
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Articles 1–16