Marc Kastner
Marc Kastner
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Kondo effect in a single-electron transistor
D Goldhaber-Gordon, H Shtrikman, D Mahalu, D Abusch-Magder, ...
Nature 391 (6663), 156-159, 1998
Emergent ferromagnetism near three-quarters filling in twisted bilayer graphene
AL Sharpe, EJ Fox, AW Barnard, J Finney, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, ...
Science 365 (6453), 605-608, 2019
Valence-alternation model for localized gap states in lone-pair semiconductors
M Kastner, D Adler, H Fritzsche
Physical Review Letters 37 (22), 1504, 1976
The single-electron transistor
MA Kastner
Reviews of modern physics 64 (3), 849, 1992
Artificial atoms
MA Kastner
Physics today 46 (1), 24-31, 1993
Doping dependence of the spatially modulated dynamical spin correlations and the superconducting-transition temperature in La 2− x Sr x CuO 4
K Yamada, CH Lee, K Kurahashi, J Wada, S Wakimoto, S Ueki, H Kimura, ...
Physical Review B 57 (10), 6165, 1998
Magnetic, transport, and optical properties of monolayer copper oxides
MA Kastner, RJ Birgeneau, G Shirane, Y Endoh
Reviews of Modern Physics 70 (3), 897, 1998
From the Kondo regime to the mixed-valence regime in a single-electron transistor
D Goldhaber-Gordon, J Göres, MA Kastner, H Shtrikman, D Mahalu, ...
Physical Review Letters 81 (23), 5225, 1998
Two-dimensional antiferromagnetic quantum spin-fluid state in La 2 CuO 4
G Shirane, Y Endoh, RJ Birgeneau, MA Kastner, Y Hidaka, M Oda, ...
Physical review letters 59 (14), 1613, 1987
Single-electron charging and periodic conductance resonances in GaAs nanostructures
U Meirav, MA Kastner, SJ Wind
Physical review letters 65 (6), 771, 1990
Magnetic phase diagram and magnetic pairing in doped La 2 CuO 4
A Aharony, RJ Birgeneau, A Coniglio, MA Kastner, HE Stanley
Physical review letters 60 (13), 1330, 1988
Magnetic excitations in pure, lightly doped, and weakly metallic La 2 CuO 4
B Keimer, N Belk, RJ Birgeneau, A Cassanho, CY Chen, M Greven, ...
Physical Review B 46 (21), 14034, 1992
E versus k Relations and Many Body Effects in the Model Insulating Copper Oxide Sr 2 Cu O 2 Cl 2
BO Wells, ZX Shen, A Matsuura, DM King, MA Kastner, M Greven, ...
Physical review letters 74 (6), 964, 1995
Antisymmetric exchange and its influence on the magnetic structure and conductivity of La 2 Cu O 4
T Thio, TR Thurston, NW Preyer, PJ Picone, MA Kastner, HP Jenssen, ...
Physical Review B 38 (1), 905, 1988
Static and dynamic spin correlations in pure and doped La 2 CuO 4
Y Endoh, K Yamada, RJ Birgeneau, DR Gabbe, HP Jenssen, MA Kastner, ...
Physical Review B 37 (13), 7443, 1988
Bonding bands, lone-pair bands, and impurity states in chalcogenide semiconductors
M Kastner
Physical Review Letters 28 (6), 355, 1972
Fano resonances in electronic transport through a single-electron transistor
J Göres, D Goldhaber-Gordon, S Heemeyer, MA Kastner, H Shtrikman, ...
Physical Review B 62 (3), 2188, 2000
Photocurrent Transient Spectroscopy: Measurement of the Density of Localized States in -
J Orenstein, M Kastner
Physical Review Letters 46 (21), 1421, 1981
Transport spectroscopy of a Coulomb island in the quantum Hall regime
PL McEuen, EB Foxman, U Meirav, MA Kastner, Y Meir, NS Wingreen, ...
Physical review letters 66 (14), 1926, 1991
Conductance oscillations periodic in the density of a one-dimensional electron gas
JHF Scott-Thomas, SB Field, MA Kastner, HI Smith, DA Antoniadis
Physical review letters 62 (5), 583, 1989
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Articles 1–20