Carol Sansone
Carol Sansone
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Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation: The search for optimal motivation and performance
C Sansone, JM Harackiewicz
Academic Press, 2000
Once a boring task always a boring task? Interest as a self-regulatory mechanism.
C Sansone, C Weir, L Harpster, C Morgan
Journal of personality and social psychology 63 (3), 379, 1992
Rewarding pinball wizardry: Effects of evaluation and cue value on intrinsic interest.
JM Harackiewicz, G Manderlink, C Sansone
Journal of personality and social psychology 47 (2), 287, 1984
Interest as the missing motivator in self-regulation
C Sansone, DB Thoman
European Psychologist 10 (3), 175-186, 2005
Goals and intrinsic motivation: You can get there from here
JM Harackiewicz, C Sansone
Advances in motivation and achievement 7, 21-49, 1991
Improving the dependability of research in personality and social psychology: Recommendations for research and educational practice
DC Funder, JM Levine, DM Mackie, CC Morf, C Sansone, S Vazire, ...
Personality and Social Psychology Review 18 (1), 3-12, 2014
Interest and self-regulation: The relation between having to and wanting to
C Sansone, JL Smith
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, 341-372, 2000
The role of interest in understanding the career choices of female and male college students
C Morgan, JD Isaac, C Sansone
Sex Roles 44, 295-320, 2001
Self‐regulating interest: The moderating role of hardiness and conscientiousness
C Sansone, DJ Wiebe, C Morgan
Journal of personality 67 (4), 701-733, 1999
A question of competence: The effects of competence and task feedback on intrinsic interest.
C Sansone
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 51 (5), 918, 1986
" I don't feel like it": The function of interest in self-regulation
C Sansone, JM Harackiewicz
Striving and feeling, 203-228, 2014
The stereotyped task engagement process: The role of interest and achievement motivation.
JL Smith, C Sansone, PH White
Journal of Educational Psychology 99 (1), 99, 2007
Competence, achievement orientation, and intrinsic motivation: A process analysis.
JM Harackiewicz, C Sansone, G Manderlink
Journal of personality and social psychology 48 (2), 493, 1985
Effects of instruction on intrinsic interest: The importance of context.
C Sansone, DA Sachau, C Weir
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 57 (5), 819, 1989
Intrinsic motivation and education: Competence in context
C Sansone, C Morgan
Motivation and emotion 16 (3), 249-270, 1992
Other people as a source of interest in an activity
JD Isaac, C Sansone, JL Smith
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 35 (3), 239-265, 1999
Self-regulation of motivation when learning online: The importance of who, why and how
C Sansone, T Fraughton, JL Zachary, J Butner, C Heiner
Educational technology research and development 59, 199-212, 2011
Goals for solving everyday problems across the life span: Age and gender differences in the salience of interpersonal concerns.
JN Strough, CA Berg, C Sansone
Developmental Psychology 32 (6), 1106, 1996
Rewarding competence: The importance of goals in the study of intrinsic motivation
JM Harackiewicz, C Sansone
Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, 79-103, 2000
The Sage handbook of methods in social psychology
C Sansone, CC Morf, AT Panter
Sage, 2004
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Articles 1–20