Bu-Sung Lee
Bu-Sung Lee
Nanyang Technological University
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Event detection in twitter
J Weng, BS Lee
Proceedings of the international aaai conference on web and social media 5 …, 2011
Optimization of resource provisioning cost in cloud computing
S Chaisiri, BS Lee, D Niyato
IEEE transactions on services Computing 5 (2), 164-177, 2011
The handbook of ad hoc wireless networks
M Ilyas, BC Seet, X Hannan, YC Tseng, A Mishra, S Giordano, YJ Suh, ...
CRC press, 2017
TrustCloud: A framework for accountability and trust in cloud computing
RKL Ko, P Jagadpramana, M Mowbray, S Pearson, M Kirchberg, Q Liang, ...
2011 IEEE World Congress on Services, 584-588, 2011
A-STAR: A mobile ad hoc routing strategy for metropolis vehicular communications
BC Seet, G Liu, BS Lee, CH Foh, KJ Wong, KK Lee
Networking 2004: Networking Technologies, Services, and Protocols …, 2004
Optimal virtual machine placement across multiple cloud providers
S Chaisiri, BS Lee, D Niyato
2009 IEEE Asia-Pacific Services Computing Conference (APSCC), 103-110, 2009
Autoencoder-based network anomaly detection
Z Chen, CK Yeo, BS Lee, CT Lau
2018 Wireless telecommunications symposium (WTS), 1-5, 2018
Twiner: named entity recognition in targeted twitter stream
C Li, J Weng, Q He, Y Yao, A Datta, A Sun, BS Lee
Proceedings of the 35th international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and …, 2012
DAML-QoS ontology for web services
C Zhou, LT Chia, BS Lee
Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on Web Services, 2004., 472-479, 2004
Efficient hierarchical parallel genetic algorithms using grid computing
D Lim, YS Ong, Y Jin, B Sendhoff, BS Lee
Future Generation Computer Systems 23 (4), 658-670, 2007
The impact of data replication on job scheduling performance in the data grid
M Tang, BS Lee, X Tang, CK Yeo
Future Generation Computer Systems 22 (3), 254-268, 2006
A survey of application level multicast techniques
CK Yeo, BS Lee, MH Er
Computer Communications 27 (15), 1547-1568, 2004
A routing strategy for metropolis vehicular communications
G Liu, BS Lee, BC Seet, CH Foh, KJ Wong, KK Lee
International conference on information networking, 134-143, 2004
Bottom-up saliency detection model based on human visual sensitivity and amplitude spectrum
Y Fang, W Lin, BS Lee, CT Lau, Z Chen, CW Lin
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 14 (1), 187-198, 2011
Dynamic replication algorithms for the multi-tier data grid
M Tang, BS Lee, CK Yeo, X Tang
Future generation computer systems 21 (5), 775-790, 2005
Towards achieving accountability, auditability and trust in cloud computing
RKL Ko, BS Lee, S Pearson
Advances in Computing and Communications: First International Conference …, 2011
Memetic algorithm using multi-surrogates for computationally expensive optimization problems
Z Zhou, YS Ong, MH Lim, BS Lee
Soft Computing 11, 957-971, 2007
Time-space consistency in large-scale distributed virtual environments
S Zhou, W Cai, BS Lee, SJ Turner
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS) 14 (1), 31-47, 2004
Toward reliable data delivery for highly dynamic mobile ad hoc networks
S Yang, CK Yeo, BS Lee
IEEE transactions on mobile computing 11 (1), 111-124, 2011
A scalable architecture for supporting interactive games on the internet
W Cai, P Xavier, SJ Turner, BS Lee
Proceedings of the sixteenth workshop on Parallel and distributed simulation …, 2002
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Articles 1–20