Payman Yadollahpour
Payman Yadollahpour
Postdoctoral Associate, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard
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Feedforward semantic segmentation with zoom-out features
M Mostajabi, P Yadollahpour, G Shakhnarovich
Proceedings of the IEEE conference on computer vision and pattern …, 2015
Decoding complete reach and grasp actions from local primary motor cortex populations
CE Vargas-Irwin, G Shakhnarovich, P Yadollahpour, JMK Mislow, ...
Journal of neuroscience 30 (29), 9659-9669, 2010
Molecular logic of cellular diversification in the mouse cerebral cortex
DJ Di Bella, E Habibi, RR Stickels, G Scalia, J Brown, P Yadollahpour, ...
Nature 595 (7868), 554-559, 2021
Diverse m-best solutions in markov random fields
D Batra, P Yadollahpour, A Guzman-Rivera, G Shakhnarovich
Computer Vision–ECCV 2012: 12th European Conference on Computer Vision …, 2012
Single-nucleus and spatial transcriptome profiling of pancreatic cancer identifies multicellular dynamics associated with neoadjuvant treatment
WL Hwang, KA Jagadeesh, JA Guo, HI Hoffman, P Yadollahpour, ...
Nature genetics 54 (8), 1178-1191, 2022
Discriminative re-ranking of diverse segmentations
P Yadollahpour, D Batra, G Shakhnarovich
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern …, 2013
The power of asymmetry in binary hashing
B Neyshabur, N Srebro, RR Salakhutdinov, Y Makarychev, ...
Advances in neural information processing systems 26, 2013
Syntax and semantics-preserving application-layer protocol steganography
NB Lucena, J Pease, P Yadollahpour, SJ Chapin
Information Hiding: 6th International Workshop, IH 2004, Toronto, Canada …, 2005
Single-nucleus and spatial transcriptomics of archival pancreatic cancer reveals multi-compartment reprogramming after neoadjuvant treatment
WL Hwang, KA Jagadeesh, JA Guo, HI Hoffman, P Yadollahpour, ...
BioRxiv, 2020.08. 25.267336, 2020
Equifold: Protein structure prediction with a novel coarse-grained structure representation
JH Lee, P Yadollahpour, A Watkins, NC Frey, A Leaver-Fay, S Ra, K Cho, ...
Biorxiv, 2022.10. 07.511322, 2022
Deep diffeomorphic normalizing flows
H Salman, P Yadollahpour, T Fletcher, K Batmanghelich
arXiv preprint arXiv:1810.03256, 2018
Molecular logic of cellular diversification in the mammalian cerebral cortex
DJ Di Bella, E Habibi, SM Yang, RR Stickels, J Brown, P Yadollahpour, ...
BioRxiv, 2020.07. 02.185439, 2020
Single-nucleus and spatial transcriptomics of archival pancreatic cancer reveals multi-compartment reprogramming after neoadjuvant treatment. bioRxiv 2020.08. 25.267336
WL Hwang, KA Jagadeesh, JA Guo, HI Hoffman, P Yadollahpour, ...
Google Scholar, 2020
Diverse M-best solutions in MRFs
P Yadollahpour, D Batra, G Shakhnarovich
Workshop on Discrete Optimization in Machine Learning, NIPS, 2011
Evaluation and optimization of sequence-based gene regulatory deep learning models
AM Rafi, D Nogina, D Penzar, D Lee, D Lee, N Kim, S Kim, D Kim, Y Shin, ...
bioRxiv, 2023
Multicellular spatial community featuring a novel neuronal-like malignant phenotype is enriched in pancreatic cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy
WL Hwang, KA Jagadeesh, JA Guo, HI Hoffman, C Shiau, J Su, ...
CANCER RESEARCH 82 (12), 2022
Abstract SY12-04: Multicellular spatial community featuring a novel neuronal-like malignant phenotype is enriched in pancreatic cancer after neoadjuvant chemotherapy and …
WL Hwang, KA Jagadeesh, JA Guo, HI Hoffman, C Shiau, J Su, ...
Cancer Research 82 (12_Supplement), SY12-04-SY12-04, 2022
Spatially defined enrichment of a neuronal-like malignant phenotype in pancreatic cancer after neoadjuvant treatment.
WL Hwang, K Jagadeesh, J Guo, HI Hoffman, P Yadollahpour, J Reeves, ...
Journal of Clinical Oncology 40 (4_suppl), 610-610, 2022
Incorporating External Information in Tissue Subtyping: A Topic Modeling Approach
A Saeedi, P Yadollahpour, S Singla, B Pollack, W Wells, F Sciurba, ...
Machine Learning for Healthcare Conference, 478-505, 2021
Molecular logic of cellular diversification in the mouse cerebral cortex (vol 595, pg 554, 2021)
DJ Di Bella, E Habibi, RR Stickels, G Scalia, J Brown, P Yadollahpour, ...
NATURE 596 (7873), E11-E11, 2021
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Articles 1–20