Arkadiy Garber
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Cited by
FeGenie: a comprehensive tool for the identification of iron genes and iron gene neighborhoods in genome and metagenome assemblies
AI Garber, KH Nealson, A Okamoto, SM McAllister, CS Chan, RA Barco, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 11, 499513, 2020
Peptidoglycan production by an insect-bacterial mosaic
DAC Bublitz, GL Chadwick, JS Magyar, KM Sandoz, DM Brooks, ...
Cell 179 (3), 703-712. e7, 2019
Pseudofinder: detection of pseudogenes in prokaryotic genomes
MJ Syberg-Olsen, AI Garber, PJ Keeling, JP McCutcheon, F Husnik
Molecular biology and evolution 39 (7), msac153, 2022
FeGenie: a comprehensive tool for the identification of iron genes and iron gene neighborhoods in genome and metagenome assemblies. Front Microbiol 11: 37
AI Garber, KH Nealson, A Okamoto, SM McAllister, CS Chan, RA Barco, ...
Assessing marine microbial induced corrosion at Santa Catalina Island, California
GA Ramírez, CL Hoffman, MD Lee, RA Lesniewski, RA Barco, A Garber, ...
Frontiers in microbiology 7, 1679, 2016
Adaptation and genomic erosion in fragmented Pseudomonas aeruginosa populations in the sinuses of people with cystic fibrosis
CR Armbruster, CW Marshall, AI Garber, JA Melvin, AC Zemke, J Moore, ...
Cell reports 37 (3), 2021
Iron oxidation by a fused cytochrome-porin common to diverse iron-oxidizing bacteria
JL Keffer, SM McAllister, AI Garber, BJ Hallahan, MC Sutherland, ...
MBio 12 (4), 10.1128/mbio. 01074-21, 2021
Ecology of subseafloor crustal biofilms
GA Ramírez, AI Garber, A Lecoeuvre, T D’Angelo, CG Wheat, BN Orcutt
Frontiers in Microbiology 10, 1983, 2019
Fe oxidation by a fused cytochrome-porin common to diverse Fe-oxidizing bacteria
C Chan, SM McAllister, A Garber, BJ Hallahan, S Rozovsky
Biorxiv, 228056, 2018
The evolution of interdependence in a four-way mealybug symbiosis
AI Garber, M Kupper, DR Laetsch, SR Weldon, MS Ladinsky, PJ Bjorkman, ...
Genome biology and evolution 13 (8), evab123, 2021
Bacterial adaptation by a transposition burst of an invading IS element
SR Miller, HE Abresch, NJ Ulrich, EB Sano, AH Demaree, AR Oman, ...
Genome Biology and Evolution 13 (11), evab245, 2021
MagicLamp: toolkit for annotation of ‘omics datasets using curated HMM sets
AI Garber, G Ramirez, N Merino, M Pavia, S McAllister
GitHub Repository Available online at https://githubcom/Arkadiy-Garber …, 2020
Evidence for a core set of microbial lichen symbionts from a global survey of metagenomes
G Tagirdzhanova, P Saary, ES Cameron, AI Garber, D Díaz Escandón, ...
Biorxiv, 2023.02. 02.524463, 2023
Genomic and Functional Variation of the Chlorophyll d-Producing Cyanobacterium Acaryochloris marina
SR Miller, HE Abresch, JJ Baroch, CK Fishman Miller, AI Garber, ...
Microorganisms 10 (3), 569, 2022
Metagenomic insights into the microbial iron cycle of subseafloor habitats
AI Garber, AB Cohen, KH Nealson, GA Ramírez, RA Barco, ...
Frontiers in Microbiology 12, 667944, 2021
Iron oxidation by a fused cytochrome-porin common to diverse iron-oxidizing bacteria. mBio 12: e01074-21
JL Keffer, SM McAllister, AI Garber, BJ Hallahan, MC Sutherland, ...
Metagenomics of Antarctic marine sediment reveals potential for diverse chemolithoautotrophy
AI Garber, JR Zehnpfennig, CS Sheik, MW Henson, GA Ramírez, ...
Msphere 6 (6), e00770-21, 2021
SprayNPray: user-friendly taxonomic profiling of genome and metagenome contigs
AI Garber, CR Armbruster, SE Lee, VS Cooper, JM Bomberger, ...
BMC genomics 23 (1), 202, 2022
Bacterial aerobic methane cycling by the marine sponge-associated microbiome
GA Ramírez, R Bar-Shalom, A Furlan, R Romeo, M Gavagnin, ...
Microbiome 11 (1), 49, 2023
Cecal microbial hydrogen cycling potential is linked to feed efficiency phenotypes in chickens
GA Ramírez, J Keshri, I Vahrson, AI Garber, ME Berrang, NA Cox, ...
Frontiers in veterinary science 9, 904698, 2022
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Articles 1–20