Giovanni B. Bachelet
Giovanni B. Bachelet
retired Professor of Physics, Sapienza University, Rome, Italy
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Pseudopotentials that work: From H to Pu
GB Bachelet, DR Hamann, M Schlüter
Physical Review B 26 (8), 4199, 1982
Correlation energy and spin polarization in the 2D electron gas
C Attaccalite, S Moroni, P Gori-Giorgi, GB Bachelet
Physical review letters 88 (25), 256601, 2002
Relativistic and core-relaxation effects on the energy bands of gallium arsenide and germanium
GB Bachelet, NE Christensen
Physical Review B 31 (2), 879, 1985
Relativistic norm-conserving pseudopotentials
GB Bachelet, M Schlüter
Physical Review B 25 (4), 2103, 1982
Structural-energy calculations based on norm-conserving pseudopotentials and localized Gaussian orbitals
GB Bachelet, HS Greenside, GA Baraff, M Schlüter
Physical Review B 24 (8), 4745, 1981
Total-energy gradients and lattice distortions at point defects in semiconductors
M Scheffler, JP Vigneron, GB Bachelet
Physical Review B 31 (10), 6541, 1985
Analytic static structure factors and pair-correlation functions for the unpolarized homogeneous electron gas
P Gori-Giorgi, F Sacchetti, GB Bachelet
Physical Review B 61 (11), 7353, 2000
Defects in diamond: The unrelaxed vacancy and substitutional nitrogen
GB Bachelet, GA Baraff, M Schlüter
Physical Review B 24 (8), 4736, 1981
Superconductivity in sodalite-like yttrium hydride clathrates
C Heil, S Di Cataldo, GB Bachelet, L Boeri
Physical Review B 99 (22), 220502, 2019
Local-spin-density functional for multideterminant density functional theory
S Paziani, S Moroni, P Gori-Giorgi, GB Bachelet
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 73 (15), 155111, 2006
Novel pseudo-Hamiltonian for quantum Monte Carlo simulations
GB Bachelet, DM Ceperley, MGB Chiocchetti
Physical review letters 62 (18), 2088, 1989
antisite defect in GaAs
GB Bachelet, M Schlüter, GA Baraff
Physical Review B 27 (4), 2545, 1983
Electron-phonon interaction in graphite intercalation compounds
L Boeri, GB Bachelet, M Giantomassi, OK Andersen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 76 (6), 064510, 2007
Self-consistent calculations of the electronic structure for ideal Ga and As vacancies in GaAs
GB Bachelet, GA Baraff, M Schlüter
Physical Review B 24 (2), 915, 1981
Electrons and phonons in the ternary alloy as a function of composition
M Giantomassi, L Boeri, GB Bachelet
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 (22), 224512, 2005
Small Fermi energy and phonon anharmonicity in and related compounds
L Boeri, GB Bachelet, E Cappelluti, L Pietronero
Physical Review B 65 (21), 214501, 2002
Tractable Approach for Calculating Lattice Distortions around Simple Defects in Semiconductors: Application to the Single Donor Ge in GaP
M Scheffler, JP Vigneron, GB Bachelet
Physical Review Letters 49 (24), 1765, 1982
Pair-distribution functions of the two-dimensional electron gas
P Gori-Giorgi, S Moroni, GB Bachelet
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 70 (11), 115102, 2004
Structural determination of Cl chemisorption on Si {111} and Ge {111} by total-energy minimization
GB Bachelet, M Schlüter
Physical Review B 28 (4), 2302, 1983
High- superconductivity in doped boron-carbon clathrates
S Di Cataldo, S Qulaghasi, GB Bachelet, L Boeri
Physical Review B 105 (6), 064516, 2022
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Articles 1–20