Dimitrios Sokoutis
Dimitrios Sokoutis
Prof. dr., Head of the Tectonic Laboratory Utrecht University
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Analogue modelling of continental extension: a review focused on the relations between the patterns of deformation and the presence of magma
G Corti, M Bonini, S Conticelli, F Innocenti, P Manetti, D Sokoutis
Earth-Science Reviews 63 (3-4), 169-247, 2003
Timing, kinematics and cause of Aegean extension: a scenario based on a comparison with simple analogue experiments
P Gautier, JP Brun, R Moriceau, D Sokoutis, J Martinod, L Jolivet
Tectonophysics 315 (1-4), 31-72, 1999
Analogue modeling of detachment fault systems and core complexes
JP Brun, D Sokoutis, J Van Den Driessche
Geology 22 (4), 319-322, 1994
Kinematics of the southern Rhodope core complex (North Greece)
JP Brun, D Sokoutis
International Journal of Earth Sciences 96, 1079-1099, 2007
Lithospheric memory, state of stress and rheology: neotectonic controls on Europe's intraplate continental topography
S Cloetingh, PA Ziegler, F Beekman, PAM Andriessen, L Matenco, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 24 (3-4), 241-304, 2005
A two‐step process for the reflooding of the Mediterranean after the Messinian Salinity Crisis
F Bache, SM Popescu, M Rabineau, C Gorini, JP Suc, G Clauzon, ...
Basin Research 24 (2), 125-153, 2012
Deformation of brittle‐ductile thrust wedges in experiments and nature
JHW Smit, JP Brun, D Sokoutis
Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 108 (B10), 2003
Lithosphere tectonics and thermo-mechanical properties: an integrated modelling approach for Enhanced Geothermal Systems exploration in Europe
S Cloetingh, JD van Wees, PA Ziegler, L Lenkey, F Beekman, M Tesauro, ...
Earth-Science Reviews 102 (3-4), 159-206, 2010
A major Oligo-Miocene detachment in southern Rhodope controlling north Aegean extension
D Sokoutis, JP Brun, J Van Den Driessche, S Pavlides
Journal of the Geological Society 150 (2), 243-246, 1993
45 my of Aegean crust and mantle flow driven by trench retreat
JP Brun, D Sokoutis
Geology 38 (9), 815-818, 2010
Mechanical interactions between rigid particles in a deforming ductile matrix. Analogue experiments in simple shear flow
B Ildefonse, D Sokoutis, NS Mancktelow
Journal of Structural Geology 14 (10), 1253-1266, 1992
Basin evolution in a folding lithosphere: Altai–Sayan and Tien Shan belts in Central Asia
D Delvaux, S Cloetingh, F Beekman, D Sokoutis, E Burov, MM Buslov, ...
Tectonophysics 602, 194-222, 2013
The two-stage Aegean extension, from localized to distributed, a result of slab rollback acceleration
JP Brun, C Faccenna, F Gueydan, D Sokoutis, M Philippon, K Kydonakis, ...
Canadian journal of earth sciences 53 (11), 1142-1157, 2016
Modelling hanging wall accommodation above rigid thrust ramps
M Bonini, D Sokoutis, G Mulugeta, E Katrivanos
Journal of Structural geology 22 (8), 1165-1179, 2000
Analogue models of orogenic wedges controlled by erosion
KS Persson, D Sokoutis
Tectonophysics 356 (4), 323-336, 2002
Transition from continental break‐up to punctiform seafloor spreading: How fast, symmetric and magmatic
G Corti, J Van Wijk, M Bonini, D Sokoutis, S Cloetingh, F Innocenti, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 30 (12), 2003
The effect of convergence angle on the kinematic evolution of strain partitioning in transpressional brittle wedges: Insight from analog modeling and high‐resolution digital …
KA Leever, RH Gabrielsen, D Sokoutis, E Willingshofer
Tectonics 30 (2), 2011
Slip re-orientation in oblique rifts
M Philippon, E Willingshofer, D Sokoutis, G Corti, F Sani, M Bonini, ...
Geology 43 (2), 147-150, 2015
Lithospheric-scale structures from the perspective of analogue continental collision
D Sokoutis, JP Burg, M Bonini, G Corti, S Cloetingh
Tectonophysics 406 (1-2), 1-15, 2005
Modelling recent deformation of the Pannonian lithosphere: lithospheric folding and tectonic topography
E Dombrádi, D Sokoutis, G Bada, S Cloetingh, F Horváth
Tectonophysics 484 (1-4), 103-118, 2010
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Articles 1–20