Yin Shao
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Cited by
101.7-Tb/s (370× 294-Gb/s) PDM-128QAM-OFDM transmission over 3× 55-km SSMF using pilot-based phase noise mitigation
D Qian, MF Huang, E Ip, YK Huang, Y Shao, J Hu, T Wang
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, PDPB5, 2011
64-Tb/s, 8 b/s/Hz, PDM-36QAM transmission over 320 km using both pre-and post-transmission digital signal processing
X Zhou, J Yu, MF Huang, Y Shao, T Wang, L Nelson, P Magill, M Birk, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 29 (4), 571-577, 2011
105Pb/s transmission with 109b/s/Hz spectral efficiency using hybrid single-and few-mode cores
D Qian, E Ip, MF Huang, MJ Li, A Dogariu, S Zhang, Y Shao, YK Huang, ...
Frontiers in Optics, FW6C. 3, 2012
High capacity/spectral efficiency 101.7-Tb/s WDM transmission using PDM-128QAM-OFDM over 165-km SSMF within C-and L-bands
D Qian, MF Huang, E Ip, YK Huang, Y Shao, J Hu, T Wang
Journal of Lightwave Technology 30 (10), 1540-1548, 2012
64-Tb/s (640× 107-Gb/s) PDM-36QAM transmission over 320km using both pre-and post-transmission digital equalization
X Zhou, J Yu, MF Huang, Y Shao, T Wang, L Nelson, P Magill, M Birk, ...
2010 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication (OFC/NFOEC), collocated …, 2010
32Tb/s (320× 114Gb/s) PDM-RZ-8QAM transmission over 580km of SMF-28 ultra-low-loss fiber
X Zhou, J Yu, MF Huang, Y Shao, T Wang, P Magill, M Cvijetic, L Nelson, ...
2009 Conference on Optical Fiber Communication, 1-3, 2009
Transmission of 32-tb/s capacity over 580 km using rz-shaped pdm-8qam modulation format and cascaded multimodulus blind equalization algorithm
X Zhou, J Yu, MF Huang, Y Shao, T Wang, P Magill, M Cvijetic, L Nelson, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 28 (4), 456-465, 2009
Field experiment with mixed line-rate transmission (112-Gb/s, 450-Gb/s, and 1.15-Tb/s) over 3,560 km of installed fiber using filterless coherent receiver and EDFAs only
TJ Xia, GA Wellbrock, YK Huang, E Ip, MF Huang, Y Shao, T Wang, ...
National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, PDPA3, 2011
1.92 Tb/s coherent DWDM-OFDMA-PON with no high-speed ONU-side electronics over 100km SSMF and 1: 64 passive split
N Cvijetic, MF Huang, E Ip, Y Shao, YK Huang, M Cvijetic, T Wang
Optics express 19 (24), 24540-24545, 2011
40× 117.6 Gb/s PDM-16QAM OFDM transmission over 10,181 km with soft-decision LDPC coding and nonlinearity compensation
S Zhang, MF Huang, F Yaman, E Mateo, D Qian, Y Zhang, L Xu, Y Shao, ...
OFC/NFOEC, 1-3, 2012
17 Tb/s (161× 114 Gb/s) PolMux-RZ-8PSK transmission over 662 km of ultra-low loss fiber using C-band EDFA amplification and digital coherent detection
J Yu, X Zhou, MF Huang, Y Shao, D Qian, T Wang, M Cvijetic, P Magill, ...
2008 34th European Conference on Optical Communication, 1-2, 2008
Low delay and large effective area few-mode fibers for mode-division multiplexing
MJ Li, B Hoover, S Li, S Bickham, S Ten, E Ip, YK Huang, E Mateo, ...
2012 17th Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference, 495-496, 2012
10× 456-Gb/s DP-16QAM transmission over 8× 100 km of ULAF using coherent detection with a 30-GHz analog-to-digital converter
YK Huang, E Ip, MF Huang, B Zhu, PN Ji, Y Shao, DW Peckham, R Lingle, ...
OECC 2010 Technical Digest, 1-2, 2010
Transmission of spectral efficient super-channels using all-optical OFDM and digital coherent receiver technologies
YK Huang, E Ip, Z Wang, MF Huang, Y Shao, T Wang
Journal of lightwave technology 29 (24), 3838-3844, 2011
Novel optical access and digital processing architectures for future mobile backhaul
N Cvijetic, A Tanaka, M Cvijetic, YK Huang, E Ip, Y Shao, T Wang
Journal of Lightwave Technology 31 (4), 621-627, 2012
Terabit/s optical superchannel with flexible modulation format for dynamic distance/route transmission
YK Huang, E Ip, PN Ji, Y Shao, T Wang, Y Aono, Y Yano, T Tajima
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OM3H. 4, 2012
Coherent 40Gb/s OFDMA-PON for long-reach (100+ km) high-split ratio (> 1: 64) optical access/metro networks
N Cvijetic, MF Huang, E Ip, Y Shao, YK Huang, M Cvijetic, T Wang
Optical Fiber Communication Conference, OW4B. 8, 2012
Transmission of 115× 100G PDM-8QAM-OFDM channels with 4bits/s/Hz spectral efficiency over 10,181 km
D Qian, MF Huang, S Zhang, PN Ji, Y Shao, F Yaman, E Mateo, T Wang, ...
European Conference and Exposition on Optical Communications, Th. 13. K. 3, 2011
High-capacity fiber field trial using terabit/s all-optical OFDM superchannels with DP-QPSK and DP-8QAM/DP-QPSK modulation
YK Huang, MF Huang, E Ip, E Mateo, PN Ji, D Qian, A Tanaka, Y Shao, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 31 (4), 546-553, 2012
Transoceanic Transmission of 40× 117.6 Gb/s PDM-OFDM-16QAM over Hybrid Large-Core/Ultra Low-Loss Fiber
S Zhang, Y Zhang, M Huang, F Yaman, E Mateo, D Qian, L Xu, Y Shao, ...
Journal of Lightwave Technology 31 (4), 498–505, 2013
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