Ina Neugebauer
Ina Neugebauer
GFZ Potsdam, German Research Centre for Geosciences
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Lithology of the long sediment record recovered by the ICDP Dead Sea Deep Drilling Project (DSDDP)
I Neugebauer, A Brauer, MJ Schwab, ND Waldmann, Y Enzel, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 102, 149-165, 2014
Tracing the Laacher See Tephra in the varved sediment record of the Trzechowskie palaeolake in central Northern Poland
S Wulf, F Ott, M Słowiński, AM Noryśkiewicz, N Dräger, C Martin-Puertas, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 76, 129-139, 2013
A Younger Dryas varve chronology from the Rehwiese palaeolake record in NE-Germany
I Neugebauer, A Brauer, N Dräger, P Dulski, S Wulf, B Plessen, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 36, 91-102, 2012
Evidences for centennial dry periods at~ 3300 and~ 2800 cal. yr BP from micro-facies analyses of the Dead Sea sediments
I Neugebauer, A Brauer, MJ Schwab, P Dulski, U Frank, E Hadzhiivanova, ...
The Holocene 25 (8), 1358-1371, 2015
Varves of the Dead Sea sedimentary record
YB Dor, I Neugebauer, Y Enzel, MJ Schwab, R Tjallingii, Y Erel, A Brauer
Quaternary Science Reviews 215, 173-184, 2019
Hydroclimatic variability in the Levant during the early last glacial ( 117–75 ka) derived from micro-facies analyses of deep Dead Sea sediments
I Neugebauer, MJ Schwab, ND Waldmann, R Tjallingii, U Frank, ...
Climate of the Past 12 (1), 75-90, 2016
Increased frequency of torrential rainstorms during a regional late Holocene eastern Mediterranean drought
M Ahlborn, M Armon, YB Dor, I Neugebauer, MJ Schwab, R Tjallingii, ...
Quaternary Research 89 (2), 425-431, 2018
North Atlantic controlled depositional cycles in MIS 5e layered sediments from the deep Dead Sea basin
D Palchan, I Neugebauer, Y Amitai, ND Waldmann, MJ Schwab, P Dulski, ...
Quaternary Research 87 (1), 168-179, 2017
Implications of S1 tephra findings in Dead Sea and Tayma palaeolake sediments for marine reservoir age estimation and palaeoclimate synchronisation
I Neugebauer, S Wulf, MJ Schwab, J Serb, B Plessen, O Appelt, A Brauer
Quaternary Science Reviews 170, 269-275, 2017
VARDA (VARved sediments DAtabase)–providing and connecting proxy data from annually laminated lake sediments
A Ramisch, A Brauser, M Dorn, C Blanchet, B Brademann, M Köppl, ...
Earth System Science Data 12 (3), 2311-2332, 2020
The unexpectedly short holocene humid period in northern Arabia
I Neugebauer, M Dinies, B Plessen, N Dräger, A Brauer, H Brückner, ...
Communications Earth & Environment 3 (1), 47, 2022
Cryptotephras in the Lateglacial ICDP Dead Sea sediment record and their implications for chronology
I Neugebauer, D Müller, MJ Schwab, S Blockley, CS Lane, S Wulf, ...
Boreas 50 (3), 844-861, 2021
Phases of stability during major hydroclimate change ending the Last Glacial in the Levant
D Müller, I Neugebauer, Y Ben Dor, Y Enzel, MJ Schwab, R Tjallingii, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 6052, 2022
Preservation of Fe/Mn‐redox fronts in sediments of an oligotrophic, oxygenated deep‐water lake (Lago Fagnano, Tierra del Fuego)
I Neugebauer, C Thomas, L Ordoñez, ND Waldmann, C Recasens, ...
Sedimentology 69 (4), 1841-1860, 2022
Heat flow in the Dead Sea from the ICDP boreholes and its implication for the structure of the basin
B Oryan, H Villinger, M Lazar, MJ Schwab, I Neugebauer, Z Ben-Avraham
Quaternary Science Reviews 210, 103-112, 2019
Sedimentology of the lacustrine formations in the Dead Sea basin
N Waldmann, I Neugebauer, D Palchan, E Hadzhiivanova, N Taha, ...
Quaternary of the levant: Environments, climate change, and humans, 83-90, 2017
Reconstructing climate from the Dead Sea sediment record using high-resolution micro-facies analyses
I Neugebauer
Dissertation, Potsdam, Universität Potsdam, 2015, 2015
Boron geochemistry reveals the evolution of Dead Sea brines
H Jurikova, SJ Ring, MJ Henehan, I Neugebauer, B Schröder, D Müller, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 622, 118403, 2023
Cyclic preservation of Fe/Mn-redox fronts in sediments of an oligotrophic, ventilated deep-water lake (Lago Fagnano, Tierra del Fuego)
I Neugebauer, C Thomas, N Waldmann, C Recasens, D Ariztegui
EarthArXiv, 2018
Reconstruction of Dead Sea lake level and mass balance back to 237 ka BP using halite fluid inclusions
E Guillerm, V Gardien, ND Waldmann, NS Brall, D Ariztegui, MJ Schwab, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 303, 107964, 2023
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Articles 1–20