Nick Henry
Nick Henry
Co-Director, CBiS, Coventry University
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Knowledge, clusters, and competitive advantage
S Tallman, M Jenkins, N Henry, S Pinch
Academy of management review 29 (2), 258-271, 2004
Rethinking the region: Spaces of neo-liberalism
J Allen, A Cochrane, N Henry, D Massey, P Sarre
Routledge, 2012
From ‘industrial districts’ to ‘knowledge clusters’: a model of knowledge dissemination and competitive advantage in industrial agglomerations
S Pinch, N Henry, M Jenkins, S Tallman
Journal of economic geography 3 (4), 373-388, 2003
Spatialising knowledge: placing the knowledge community of Motor Sport Valley
N Henry, S Pinch
Geoforum 31 (2), 191-208, 2000
Paul Krugman's geographical economics, industrial clustering and the British motor sport industry
S Pinch, N Henry
Regional Studies 33 (9), 815-827, 1999
Ulrich Beck's risk society at work: labour and employment in the contract service industries
J Allen, N Henry
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 180-196, 1997
Where is the value added in the cluster approach? Hermeneutic theorising, economic geography and clusters as a multiperspectival approach
P Benneworth, N Henry
Urban Studies 41 (5-6), 1011-1023, 2004
Neo-Marshallian nodes, institutional thickness, and Britain's ‘Motor Sport Valley’: thick or thin?
N Henry, S Pinch
Environment and Planning A 33 (7), 1169-1183, 2001
Knowledge, space, economy
P Daniels, N Henry, J Pollard
Routledge, 2000
Globalization from below: Birmingham–postcolonial workshop of the world?
N Henry, C McEwan, J Pollard
Area 34 (2), 117-127, 2002
The economic geography reader: producing and consuming global capitalism
J Bryson, N Henry, D Keeble, R Martin
Newcastle University, 1999
The ‘global’in the city economy: multicultural economic development in Birmingham
C McEwan, J Pollard, N Henry
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 29 (4), 916-933, 2005
Fragments of industry and employment: contract service work and the shift towards precarious employment
J Allen, N Henry
Changing forms of employment, 77-94, 2002
The new industrial spaces: locational logic of a new production era?
N Henry
International Journal of Urban and Regional Research 16 (3), 375-396, 1992
Discursive aspects of technological innovation: the case of the British motor-sport industry
S Pinch, N Henry
Environment and Planning A 31 (4), 665-682, 1999
In pole position? Untraded interdependencies, new industrial spaces and the British motor sport industry
N Henry, S Pinch, S Russell
Area, 25-36, 1996
Shades of grey? Geographers and policy
J Pollard, N Henry, J Bryson, P Daniels
Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 25 (2), 243-248, 2000
Competitive time-space in high technology
N Henry, D Massey
Geoforum 26 (1), 49-64, 1995
Motorsport going global: The challenges facing the world's motorsport industry
N Henry, T Angus, M Jenkins, C Aylett
Palgrave Macmillan, 2007
(The) industrial agglomeration (of Motor Sport Valley): a knowledge, space, economy approach
N Henry, S Pinch
Knowledge, space, economy, 120-141, 2002
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Articles 1–20