Giuseppe Marra
Cited by
Cited by
Ultrastable laser interferometry for earthquake detection with terrestrial and submarine cables
G Marra, C Clivati, R Luckett, A Tampellini, J Kronjäger, L Wright, A Mura, ...
Science 361 (6401), 486-490, 2018
Test of special relativity using a fiber network of optical clocks
P Delva, J Lodewyck, S Bilicki, E Bookjans, G Vallet, R Le Targat, ...
Physical review letters 118 (22), 221102, 2017
High-resolution microwave frequency transfer over an 86-km-long optical fiber network using a mode-locked laser
G Marra, R Slavík, HS Margolis, SN Lea, P Petropoulos, DJ Richardson, ...
Optics letters 36 (4), 511-513, 2011
First accuracy evaluation of the NPL-CsF2 primary frequency standard
K Szymaniec, SE Park, G Marra, W Chałupczak
Metrologia 47 (4), 363, 2010
Ultralow thermal sensitivity of phase and propagation delay in hollow core optical fibres
R Slavík, G Marra, EN Fokoua, N Baddela, NV Wheeler, M Petrovich, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 15447, 2015
Optical interferometry–based array of seafloor environmental sensors using a transoceanic submarine cable
G Marra, DM Fairweather, V Kamalov, P Gaynor, M Cantono, ...
Science 376 (6595), 874-879, 2022
Comparing ultrastable lasers at 7 × 10−17 fractional frequency instability through a 2220 km optical fibre network
M Schioppo, J Kronjaeger, A Silva, R Ilieva, JW Paterson, CFA Baynham, ...
Nature communications 13 (1), 212, 2022
Accurate rubidium atomic fountain frequency standard
Y Ovchinnikov, G Marra
Metrologia 48 (3), 87, 2011
Dissemination of an optical frequency comb over fiber with 3 × 10−18 fractional accuracy
G Marra, HS Margolis, DJ Richardson
Optics express 20 (2), 1775-1782, 2012
High-stability microwave frequency transfer by propagation of an optical frequency comb over 50 km of optical fiber
G Marra, HS Margolis, SN Lea, P Gill
Optics letters 35 (7), 1025-1027, 2010
Direct selection and amplification of individual narrowly spaced optical comb modes via injection locking: design and characterization
DS Wu, R Slavík, G Marra, DJ Richardson
Journal of lightwave technology 31 (14), 2287-2295, 2013
Optical frequency transfer over submarine fiber links
C Clivati, A Tampellini, A Mura, F Levi, G Marra, P Galea, A Xuereb, ...
Optica 5 (8), 893-901, 2018
Suppression of amplitude-to-phase noise conversion in balanced optical-microwave phase detectors
M Lessing, HS Margolis, CTA Brown, P Gill, G Marra
Optics Express 21 (22), 27057-27062, 2013
Frequency comb-based time transfer over a 159 km long installed fiber network
M Lessing, HS Margolis, CTA Brown, G Marra
Applied Physics Letters 110 (22), 2017
Optical injection locking-based amplification in phase-coherent transfer of optical frequencies
J Kim, H Schnatz, DS Wu, G Marra, DJ Richardson, R Slavík
Optics letters 40 (18), 4198-4201, 2015
Common-path self-referencing interferometer for carrier-envelope offset frequency stabilization with enhanced noise immunity
V Tsatourian, HS Margolis, G Marra, DT Reid, P Gill
Optics letters 35 (8), 1209-1211, 2010
Frequency stability and phase noise of a pair of x-band cryogenic sapphire oscillators
G Marra, D Henderson, M Oxborrow
Measurement Science and Technology 18 (5), 1224, 2007
Stable Optical Frequency Comb Distribution Enabled by Hollow‐Core Fibers
Z Feng, G Marra, X Zhang, ERN Fokoua, H Sakr, JR Hayes, F Poletti, ...
Laser & Photonics Reviews 16 (11), 2200167, 2022
Thinly coated hollow core fiber for improved thermal phase-stability performance
B Shi, H Sakr, J Hayes, X Wei, E Numkam Fokoua, M Ding, Z Feng, ...
Optics Letters 46 (20), 5177-5180, 2021
Transportable cavity-stabilized laser system for optical carrier frequency transmission experiments
B Parker, G Marra, LAM Johnson, HS Margolis, SA Webster, L Wright, ...
Applied Optics 53 (35), 8157-8166, 2014
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Articles 1–20