Daniel Schwyn
Daniel Schwyn
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Cited by
Enzian: an open, general, CPU/FPGA platform for systems software research
D Cock, A Ramdas, D Schwyn, M Giardino, A Turowski, Z He, N Hossle, ...
Proceedings of the 27th ACM International Conference on Architectural …, 2022
From sound to sight: Using audio processing to enable visible light communication
S Schmid, D Schwyn, K Akşit, G Corbellini, TR Gross, S Mangold
2014 IEEE Globecom Workshops (GC Wkshps), 518-523, 2014
A Model-Checked I2C Specification
L Humbel, D Schwyn, N Hossle, R Haecki, M Licciardello, J Schaer, ...
Model Checking Software: 27th International Symposium, SPIN 2021, Virtual …, 2021
Hardware configuration with dynamically-queried formal models
D Schwyn
ETH Zurich, Department of Computer Science, 2017
Declarative power sequencing
J Schult, D Schwyn, M Giardino, D Cock, R Achermann, T Roscoe
ACM Transactions on Embedded Computing Systems (TECS) 20 (5s), 1-21, 2021
CleanQ: a lightweight, uniform, formally specified interface for intra-machine data transfer
R Haecki, L Humbel, R Achermann, D Cock, D Schwyn, T Roscoe
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.08773, 2019
mmapx: Uniform memory protection in a heterogeneous world
R Achermann, D Cock, R Haecki, N Hossle, L Humbel, T Roscoe, ...
Proceedings of the Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, 159-166, 2021
Low-Overhead Reinforcement Learning-Based Power Management Using 2QoSM
M Giardino, D Schwyn, B Ferri, A Ferri
Journal of Low Power Electronics and Applications 12 (2), 29, 2022
Putting out the hardware dumpster fire
B Fiedler, D Schwyn, C Gierczak-Galle, D Cock, T Roscoe
Proceedings of the 19th Workshop on Hot Topics in Operating Systems, 46-52, 2023
Generating correct initial page tables from formal hardware descriptions
R Achermann, D Cock, R Haecki, N Hossle, L Humbel, T Roscoe, ...
Proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Programming Languages and Operating …, 2021
A least-privilege memory protection model for modern hardware
R Achermann, N Hossle, L Humbel, D Schwyn, D Cock, T Roscoe
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.08707, 2019
Specifying the de-facto OS of a production SoC
B Fiedler, R Meier, J Schult, D Schwyn, T Roscoe
Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Kernel Isolation, Safety and Verification …, 2023
A Digital Companion for Air Travelers
K Garcia, D David Schwyn, F Michahelles
22nd International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile …, 2020
Secure Memory Management on Modern Hardware
R Achermann, N Hossle, L Humbel, D Schwyn, D Cock, T Roscoe
arXiv preprint arXiv:2009.02737, 2020
2QoSM: A Q-Learner QoS Manager for Application-Guided Power-Aware Systems
MJ Giardino, D Schwyn, B Ferri, A Ferri
2021 IEEE 14th International Symposium on Embedded Multicore/Many-core …, 2021
Efeu: generating efficient, verified, hybrid hardware/software drivers for I 2 C devices
D Schwyn, Z Liu, T Roscoe
Semester Project
P Xu, D Schwyn, T Roscoe
Trustworthy board management controllers
D Schwyn, B Fiedler, MJ Giardino, D Cock, T Roscoe
seL4 Summit 2022, 2022
Systems Group, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich
C Nie, L Woods, G Alonso
Systems Group, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich
D Buitendijk, T Roscoe, N Hossle, D Schwyn, R Meier
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Articles 1–20