Rachel M Hayes
Rachel M Hayes
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Voluntary environmental disclosure quality and firm value: Further evidence
M Plumlee, D Brown, RM Hayes, RS Marshall
Journal of accounting and public policy 34 (4), 336-361, 2015
The Sarbanes–Oxley Act and firms’ going-private decisions
E Engel, RM Hayes, X Wang
Journal of Accounting and Economics 44 (1-2), 116-145, 2007
Stock options and managerial incentives for risk taking: Evidence from FAS 123R
RM Hayes, M Lemmon, M Qiu
Journal of financial economics 105 (1), 174-190, 2012
Segment reporting to the capital market in the presence of a competitor
RM Hayes, R Lundholm
Journal of Accounting Research 34 (2), 261-279, 1996
CEO turnover and properties of accounting information
E Engel, RM Hayes, X Wang
Journal of Accounting and Economics 36 (1-3), 197-226, 2003
The impact of trading commission incentives on analysts' stock coverage decisions and earnings forecasts
RM Hayes
Journal of Accounting Research 36 (2), 299-320, 1998
Audit committee compensation and the demand for monitoring of the financial reporting process
E Engel, RM Hayes, X Wang
Journal of accounting and economics 49 (1-2), 136-154, 2010
Implicit contracts and the explanatory power of top executive compensation for future performance
RM Hayes, S Schaefer
The RAND Journal of Economics, 273-293, 2000
How much are differences in managerial ability worth?
RM Hayes, S Schaefer
Journal of Accounting and Economics 27 (2), 125-148, 1999
CEO pay and the Lake Wobegon effect
RM Hayes, S Schaefer
Journal of Financial Economics 94 (2), 280-290, 2009
Coworker complementarity and the stability of top-management teams
RM Hayes, P Oyer, S Schaefer
Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization 22 (1), 184-212, 2006
The roles of performance measures and monitoring in annual governance decisions in entrepreneurial firms
E Engel, EA Gordon, RM Hayes
Journal of Accounting Research 40 (2), 485-518, 2002
Financial distress risk and new CEO compensation
WJ Chang, RM Hayes, SA Hillegeist
Management Science 62 (2), 479-501, 2016
Board committee structures, ownership, and firm performance
R Hayes, H Mehran, S Schaefer
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Finance Seminar Series, New York University …, 2004
An approach to adjusting analysts' consensus forecasts for selection bias
RM Hayes, CB Levine
Contemporary Accounting Research 17 (1), 61-83, 2000
Discussion of “Audit committee financial expertise and earnings management: The role of status” by Badolato, Donelson, and Ege (2014)
RM Hayes
Journal of Accounting and Economics 58 (2-3), 231-239, 2014
Voice of the customers: Local trust culture and consumer complaints to the CFPB
RM Hayes, F Jiang, Y Pan
Journal of Accounting Research 59 (3), 1077-1121, 2021
Performance-contingent executive compensation and managerial behavior
JM Bizjak, RM Hayes, SL Kalpathy
Available at SSRN 2519246, 2015
The management of library resources: The balance between capital and staff in providing services
RM Hayes
The impact of trading commission incentives on stock coverage and earnings forecast decisions by security analysts
RM Hayes
Stanford University, 1996
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Articles 1–20