alfred levine
alfred levine
professor of engineering science and physics
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Fast pulsing and chaotic itinerancy with a drift in the coherence collapse of semiconductor lasers
I Fischer, GHM Van Tartwijk, AM Levine, W Elsässer, E Göbel, D Lenstra
Physical review letters 76 (2), 220, 1996
Sisyphus effect in semiconductor lasers with optical feedback
GHM Van Tartwijk, AM Levine, D Lenstra
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 1 (2), 466-472, 1995
Diode lasers with optical feedback: Stability of the maximum gain mode
AM Levine, GHM Van Tartwijk, D Lenstra, T Erneux
Physical Review A 52 (5), R3436, 1995
Hamiltonian theory for vibrational dephasing rates of small molecules in liquids
AM Levine, M Shapiro, E Pollak
The Journal of chemical physics 88 (3), 1959-1966, 1988
Time-dependent harmonic oscillators
LF Landovitz, AM Levine, WM Schreiber
Physical Review A 20 (3), 1162, 1979
Chirp and self-phase modulation in induced-grating autocorrelation measurements of ultrashort pulses
R Trebino, CC Hayden, AM Johnson, WM Simpson, AM Levine
Optics letters 15 (19), 1079-1081, 1990
Excitation of electrostatic ion cyclotron oscillations
AM Levine, AF Kuckes
The Physics of Fluids 9 (11), 2263-2266, 1966
Non-Markovian stochastic jump processes. I. Input field analysis
AG Kofman, R Zaibel, AM Levine, Y Prior
Physical Review A 41 (11), 6434, 1990
Multicast Routing Algorithms Based on -Factor Physical-Layer Constraints in Metro Networks
G Ellinas, N Antoniades, T Panayiotou, A Hadjiantonis, AM Levine
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 21 (6), 365-367, 2009
Transition amplitudes for time‐dependent harmonic oscillators
LF Landovitz, AM Levine, WM Schreiber
Journal of Mathematical Physics 21 (8), 2159-2163, 1980
Theory of luminescence spectra from δ-doping structures: Application to GaAs
GM Sipahi, R Enderlein, LMR Scolfaro, JR Leite, ECF Da Silva, A Levine
Physical Review B 57 (15), 9168, 1998
Strong-field theory of four-wave mixing
AM Levine, N Chencinski, WM Schreiber, AN Weiszmann, Y Prior
Physical Review A 35 (6), 2550, 1987
Non-Markovian stochastic jump processes in nonlinear optics
AG Kofman, R Zaibel, AM Levine, Y Prior
Physical review letters 61 (3), 251, 1988
The effect of radial electric fields on low frequency oscillations in a plasma column
L Enriques, AM Levine, GB Righetti
Plasma Physics 10 (6), 641, 1968
Temperature and chemical sensors based on FIB-written carbon nanowires
AM Zaitsev, AM Levine, SH Zaidi
IEEE Sensors Journal 8 (6), 849-856, 2008
Carbon nanowire‐based temperature sensor
AM Zaitsev, AM Levine, SH Zaidi
physica status solidi (a) 204 (10), 3574-3579, 2007
Centrifugal effects in a Bose-Einstein condensate in the time-orbiting-potential magnetic trap
AB Kuklov, N Chencinski, AM Levine, WM Schreiber, JL Birman
Physical Review A 55 (1), 488, 1997
Sudden theory for tunneling in dissipative systems
AM Levine, W Hontscha, E Pollak
Physical Review B 40 (4), 2138, 1989
Induced-grating autocorrelation of ultrashort pulses in a slowly responding medium
AM Levine, E Özizmir, R Trebino, CC Hayden, AM Johnson, KL Tokuda
JOSA B 11 (9), 1609-1618, 1994
Multiple scattering of laser light from a turbid medium
VL Granatstein, M Rhinewine, AM Levine, DL Feinstein, MJ Mazurowski, ...
Applied Optics 11 (5), 1217-1224, 1972
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