Annika Carlsson Kanyama
Annika Carlsson Kanyama
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Environmental impact of dietary change: a systematic review
E Hallström, A Carlsson-Kanyama, P Börjesson
Journal of cleaner production 91, 1-11, 2015
Potential contributions of food consumption patterns to climate change
A Carlsson-Kanyama, AD González
The American journal of clinical nutrition 89 (5), 1704S-1709S, 2009
Climate change and dietary choices—how can emissions of greenhouse gases from food consumption be reduced?
A Carlsson-Kanyama
Food policy 23 (3-4), 277-293, 1998
Food and life cycle energy inputs: consequences of diet and ways to increase efficiency
A Carlsson-Kanyama, MP Ekström, H Shanahan
Ecological economics 44 (2-3), 293-307, 2003
Efficient and inefficient aspects of residential energy behaviour: What are the policy instruments for change?
AL Lindén, A Carlsson-Kanyama, B Eriksson
Energy policy 34 (14), 1918-1927, 2006
Food losses in food service institutions Examples from Sweden
R Engström, A Carlsson-Kanyama
Food policy 29 (3), 203-213, 2004
Consumption-stage food waste reduction interventions–What works and how to design better interventions
C Reynolds, L Goucher, T Quested, S Bromley, S Gillick, VK Wells, ...
Food policy 83, 7-27, 2019
Protein efficiency per unit energy and per unit greenhouse gas emissions: potential contribution of diet choices to climate change mitigation
AD González, B Frostell, A Carlsson-Kanyama
Food policy 36 (5), 562-570, 2011
Participative backcasting: A tool for involving stakeholders in local sustainability planning
A Carlsson-Kanyama, KH Dreborg, HC Moll, D Padovan
Futures 40 (1), 34-46, 2008
Energy consumption by gender in some European countries
R Räty, A Carlsson-Kanyama
Energy policy 38 (1), 646-649, 2010
Energy efficiency in residences—Challenges for women and men in the North
A Carlsson-Kanyama, AL Lindén
Energy policy 35 (4), 2163-2172, 2007
Travel patterns and environmental effects now and in the future:: implications of differences in energy consumption among socio-economic groups
A Carlsson-Kanyama, AL Linden
Ecological Economics 30 (3), 405-417, 1999
Energy use in the food sector: a data survey
A Carlsson-Kanyama, M Faist
Swedish Environmental Protection Agency, 2000
Residential energy behaviour: does generation matter?
A Carlsson‐Kanyama, AL Lindén, B Eriksson
International Journal of Consumer Studies 29 (3), 239-253, 2005
Indirect and direct energy requirements of city households in Sweden: options for reduction, lessons from modeling
A Carlsson‐Kanyama, R Engström, R Kok
Journal of Industrial Ecology 9 (1‐2), 221-235, 2005
Barriers in municipal climate change adaptation: Results from case studies using backcasting
A Carlsson-Kanyama, H Carlsen, KH Dreborg
Futures 49, 9-21, 2013
Food consumption patterns and their influence on climate change: greenhouse gas emissions in the life-cycle of tomatoes and carrots consumed in Sweden
A Carlsson-Kanyama
Ambio, 528-534, 1998
Climate adaptation of railways: lessons from Sweden
J Lindgren, DK Jonsson, A Carlsson-Kanyama
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research 9 (2), 2009
Voluntary agreements—a measure for energy-efficiency in industry? Lessons from a Swedish programme
AL Lindén, A Carlsson-Kanyama
Energy Policy 30 (10), 897-905, 2002
Unequal representation of women and men in energy company boards and management groups: Are there implications for mitigation?
A Carlsson-Kanyama, IR Juliá, U Röhr
Energy Policy 38 (8), 4737-4740, 2010
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Articles 1–20