Adam Looney
Adam Looney
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Cited by
Salience and taxation: Theory and evidence
R Chetty, A Looney, K Kroft
American economic review 99 (4), 1145-1177, 2009
A crisis in student loans?: How changes in the characteristics of borrowers and in the institutions they attended contributed to rising loan defaults
A Looney, C Yannelis
Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2015 (2), 1-89, 2015
Consumption smoothing and the welfare consequences of social insurance in developing economies
R Chetty, A Looney
Journal of public economics 90 (12), 2351-2356, 2006
Work and opportunity before and after incarceration
A Looney, N Turner
The brookings institution 27, 2018
Thirteen economic facts about social mobility and the role of education
M Greenstone, A Looney, J Patashnik, M Yu
The Hamilton Project, 2013
The rise of alternative work arrangements: Evidence and implications for tax filing and benefit coverage
E Jackson, A Looney, SP Ramnath
Department of the Treasury (United States), 2017
Income risk and the benefits of social insurance: Evidence from Indonesia and the United States
R Chetty, A Looney
Fiscal policy and management in East Asia, 99-121, 2007
Paying too much for energy? The true costs of our energy choices
M Greenstone, A Looney
Daedalus 141 (2), 10-30, 2012
The consequences of student loan credit expansions: Evidence from three decades of default cycles
A Looney, C Yannelis
Journal of Financial Economics 143 (2), 771-793, 2022
Where is the best place to invest $102,000: In stocks, bonds, or a college degree
M Greenstone, A Looney
Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 2011
The effect of anticipated tax changes on intertemporal labor supply and the realization of taxable income
A Looney, M Singhal
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2006
Borrowers with large balances: Rising student debt and falling repayment rates
A Looney, C Yannelis
The Brookings Institution: Washington, DC, 2018
Ten economic facts about immigration
M Greenstone, A Looney
Hamilton Project, The Brookings Institution, 2010
Regardless of the cost, college still matters
M Greenstone, A Looney
Brookings on Job Numbers, 2012
Building America’s job skills with effective workforce programs: A training strategy to raise wages and increase work opportunities
M Greenstone, A Looney
Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, November, 2011
How useful are default rates? Borrowers with large balances and student loan repayment
A Looney, C Yannelis
Economics of Education Review 71, 135-145, 2019
Learning from opportunity zones: How to improve place-based policies
H Gelfond, A Looney
Washington, DC: Brookings Institution, 2018
Same-Sex Married Tax Filers After Windsor and Obergefell
R Fisher, G Gee, A Looney
Demography 55, 1423-1446, 2018
The marriage gap: The impact of economic and technological change on marriage rates
M Greenstone, A Looney
Brookings Institution, February 3, 2012
The effects of welfare reform and related policies on single mothers' welfare use and employment
A Looney
FEDS Working Paper, 2005
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Articles 1–20