Ramon J. Batalla
Ramon J. Batalla
Professor of Physical Geography, University of Lleida
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Fine‐grained sediment in river systems: environmental significance and management issues
PN Owens, RJ Batalla, AJ Collins, B Gomez, DM Hicks, AJ Horowitz, ...
River research and applications 21 (7), 693-717, 2005
Reservoir-induced hydrological changes in the Ebro River basin (NE Spain)
RJ Batalla, CM Gomez, GM Kondolf
Journal of hydrology 290 (1-2), 117-136, 2004
Sediment transport in a large impounded river: The lower Ebro, NE Iberian Peninsula
D Vericat, RJ Batalla
Geomorphology 79 (1-2), 72-92, 2006
When is stream invertebrate drift catastrophic? The role of hydraulics and sediment transport in initiating drift during flood events
C Gibbins, D Vericat, RJ Batalla
Freshwater Biology 52 (12), 2369-2384, 2007
Temporal distribution of suspended sediment transport in a Mediterranean basin: The Lower Tordera (NE SPAIN)
A Rovira, RJ Batalla
Geomorphology 79 (1-2), 58-71, 2006
Breakup and reestablishment of the armour layer in a large gravel-bed river below dams: The lower Ebro
D Vericat, RJ Batalla, C Garcia
Geomorphology 76 (1-2), 122-136, 2006
Suspended sediment transport in a highly erodible catchment: the River Isábena (Southern Pyrenees)
JA López-Tarazón, RJ Batalla, D Vericat, T Francke
Geomorphology 109 (3-4), 210-221, 2009
Application of Structure‐from‐Motion photogrammetry to river restoration
B Marteau, D Vericat, C Gibbins, RJ Batalla, DR Green
Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42 (3), 503-515, 2017
Detecting the structural and functional impacts of fine sediment on stream invertebrates
C Buendia, CN Gibbins, D Vericat, RJ Batalla, A Douglas
Ecological indicators 25, 184-196, 2013
Hydrological and sediment transport dynamics of flushing flows: implications for management in large Mediterranean rivers
RJ Batalla, D Vericat
River Research and Applications 25 (3), 297-314, 2009
Runoff trends driven by climate and afforestation in a Pyrenean Basin
C Buendia, RJ Batalla, S Sabater, A Palau, R Marcé
Land degradation & development 27 (3), 823-838, 2016
Response of a river sediment budget after historical gravel mining (the lower Tordera, NE Spain)
A Rovira, RJ Batalla, M Sala
River Research and Applications 21 (7), 829-847, 2005
Combined scenarios of chemical and ecological quality under water scarcity in Mediterranean rivers
M Petrovic, A Ginebreda, V Acuña, RJ Batalla, A Elosegi, H Guasch, ...
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 30 (8), 1269-1278, 2011
Bed load bias: Comparison of measurements obtained using two (76 and 152 mm) Helley‐Smith samplers in a gravel bed river
D Vericat, M Church, RJ Batalla
Water Resources Research 42 (1), 2006
Sediment deficit in rivers caused by dams and instream gravel mining. Are view with examples from NE Spain
RJ Batalla
Asociación Española para el Estudio del Cuaternario y la Sociedad Española …, 2003
Effects of afforestation on runoff and sediment load in an upland Mediterranean catchment
C Buendia, G Bussi, J Tuset, D Vericat, S Sabater, A Palau, RJ Batalla
Science of the Total Environment 540, 144-157, 2016
Rainfall, runoff and sediment transport relations in a mesoscale mountainous catchment: The River Isábena (Ebro basin)
JA López-Tarazón, RJ Batalla, D Vericat, JC Balasch
Catena 82 (1), 23-34, 2010
The sediment budget of a highly dynamic mesoscale catchment: the River Isábena
JA Lopez-Tarazon, RJ Batalla, D Vericat, T Francke
Geomorphology 138 (1), 15-28, 2012
Hydrological effects of dams and water diversions on rivers of Mediterranean-climate regions: examples from California
GM Kondolf, RJ Batalla
Developments in Earth surface processes 7, 197-211, 2005
Rainfall, runoff and sediment transport in a Mediterranean mountainous catchment
J Tuset, D Vericat, RJ Batalla
Science of the Total Environment 540, 114-132, 2016
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Articles 1–20