Anna Helga Jónsdóttir
Anna Helga Jónsdóttir
Associate professor of statistics, University of Iceland
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Cited by
Difference in learning among students doing pen-and-paper homework compared to web-based homework in an introductory statistics course
AH Jonsdottir, A Bjornsdottir, G Stefansson
Journal of Statistics Education 25 (1), 12-20, 2017
Development and use of an adaptive learning environment to research online study behaviour
AH Jonsdottir, A Jakobsdottir, G Stefansson
Journal Of Educational Technology & Society 18 (1), 132-144, 2015
Student evaluation of teaching: gender bias in a country at the forefront of gender equality
MS Sigurdardottir, GL Rafnsdottir, AH Jónsdóttir, DM Kristofersson
Higher Education Research & Development 42 (4), 954-967, 2023
Jón Ingólfur Magnússon og Rögnvaldur Möller.(2014)
AH Jónsdóttir, E Briem, F Hreinsdóttir, F Ţórarinsson
Úttekt á stćrđfrćđikennslu í framhaldsskólum, 0
Application of ChatGPT for automated problem reframing across academic domains
H Einarsson, SH Lund, AH Jónsdóttir
Computers and Education: Artificial Intelligence 6, 100194, 2024
From evaluation to learning: Some aspects of designing a cyber-university
AH Jonsdottir, G Stefansson
Computers & Education 78, 344-351, 2014
Tölfrćđi frá grunni
AH Jónsdóttir, SH Lund
Reykjavík: Háskólafjölritun, 2012
Úttekt á stćrđfrćđikennslu í framhaldsskólum
A Jónsdóttir, E Briem, F Hreinsdóttir, F Ţórarinsson, J Magnússon, ...
Mennta-og menningarmálaráđuneytiđ, 2014
Temporal consistency is currency in shifts of transient visual attention
A Kristjánsson, KÓ Eyjólfsdóttir, A Jónsdóttir, G Arnkelsson
PloS one 5 (10), e13660, 2010
A mobile web for enhancing statistics and mathematics education
J Lentin, AH Jonsdottir, D Stern, V Mokua, G Stefansson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1406.5004, 2014
Design and analysis of experiments linking on-line drilling methods to improvements in knowledge
AH Jonsdottir, G Stefansson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.8236, 2013
Establishment of mountain birch (Betula pubescens ssp. tortuosa) on a glacial outwash plain: Spatial patterns and decadal processes
G Óskarsdóttir, TE Thórhallsdóttir, AH Jónsdóttir, HM Birkisdóttir, ...
Ecology and Evolution 12 (10), e9430, 2022
Using real data for statistics education in an open‐source learning environment
AH Jonsdottir, J Lentin, V Calian, EK Hafsteinsson, G Stefansson
Teaching Statistics 43 (1), 5-12, 2021
Social tie formation of COVID-19 students: evidence from a two-cohort longitudinal study
MS Sigurdardottir, MT Torfason, AH Jonsdottir
Higher Education 86 (2), 333-351, 2023
Development and testing of an open learning environment to enhance statistics and mathematics education
AH Jónsdóttir
Rögnvaldur Möller og Gunnar Stefánsson.(2013). Könnunarpróf nýnema í stćrđfrćđi viđ Háskóla Íslands
AH Jónsdóttir, F Hreinsdóttir, G Geirsdóttir
Tímarit um menntarannsóknir 10 (1), 11-28, 0
Identifying rote learning and the supporting effects of hints in drills
G Stefansson, AH Jonsdottir, T Jonmundsson, GS Sigurdsson, ...
arXiv preprint arXiv:2108.12288, 2021
Consolidation of usability problems with novice evaluators re-examined in individual vs. collaborative settings
R Hoffmann, AH Jónsdóttir, ET Hvannberg
Interacting with Computers 31 (6), 525-538, 2019
Initial reflections on teaching and learning Mathematics using tablet in Aprison Education Centre
E Njurai, G Stefansson, P Mwenda, M Obonyo, J Kariuki
Strathmore University, 2017
Enhanced learning with web-assisted education
AH Jonsdottir, G Stefansson
arXiv preprint arXiv:1310.4667, 2013
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Articles 1–20