Nicole Sund
Nicole Sund
Assistant Research Professor, Desert Research Institute
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Cited by
Upscaling transport of a reacting solute through a peridocially converging–diverging channel at pre-asymptotic times
NL Sund, D Bolster, C Dawson
Journal of contaminant hydrology 182, 1-15, 2015
Upscaling of dilution and mixing using a trajectory based spatial Markov random walk model in a periodic flow domain
NL Sund, GM Porta, D Bolster
Advances in water resources 103, 76-85, 2017
Pre-asymptotic transport upscaling in inertial and unsteady flows through porous media
N Sund, D Bolster, S Mattis, C Dawson
Transport in Porous Media 109, 411-432, 2015
Impacts of suspended clay particle deposition on sand‐bed morphodynamics
J Dallmann, CB Phillips, Y Teitelbaum, N Sund, R Schumer, S Arnon, ...
Water Resources Research 56 (8), e2019WR027010, 2020
Upscaling mixing in highly heterogeneous porous media via a spatial Markov model
EE Wright, NL Sund, DH Richter, GM Porta, D Bolster
Water 11 (1), 53, 2018
A Lagrangian transport Eulerian reaction spatial (LATERS) Markov model for prediction of effective bimolecular reactive transport
N Sund, G Porta, D Bolster, R Parashar
Water Resources Research 53 (11), 9040-9058, 2017
Dynamics of hyporheic exchange flux and fine particle deposition under moving bedforms
Y Teitelbaum, J Dallmann, CB Phillips, AI Packman, R Schumer, NL Sund, ...
Water Resources Research 57 (4), e2020WR028541, 2021
Impact of confined geometries on hopping and trapping of motile bacteria in porous media
LJ Perez, T Bhattacharjee, SS Datta, R Parashar, NL Sund
Physical Review E 103 (1), 012611, 2021
Testing the limits of the spatial Markov model for upscaling transport: The role of nonmonotonic effective velocity autocorrelations
NL Sund, D Bolster, DA Benson
Physical Review E 94 (4), 043107, 2016
Bedform segregation and locking increase storage of natural and synthetic particles in rivers
J Dallmann, CB Phillips, Y Teitelbaum, EY Saavedra Cifuentes, N Sund, ...
Nature communications 12 (1), 7315, 2021
Effective models for transport in complex heterogeneous hydrologic systems
N Sund, T Aquino, D Bolster
Encyclopedia of Water: Science, Technology, and Society, 1-19, 2019
Fracture connectivity and flow path tortuosity elucidated from advective transport to a pumping well in complex 3D networks
DM Reeves, H Pham, R Parashar, NL Sund
Engineering Geology 313, 106960, 2023
Upscaling bimolecular reactive transport in highly heterogeneous porous media with the LAgrangian Transport Eulerian Reaction Spatial (LATERS) Markov model
EE Wright, NL Sund, DH Richter, GM Porta, D Bolster
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 35 (8), 1529-1547, 2021
Determination of fracture apertures via calibration of three-dimensional discrete-fracture-network models: application to Pahute Mesa, Nevada National Security Site, USA
HV Pham, P Rishi, N Sund, K Pohlmann
Hydrogeology Journal 29 (2), 841-857, 2021
On modeling ensemble transport of metal reducing motile bacteria
X Yang, R Parashar, NL Sund, AE Plymale, TD Scheibe, D Hu, RT Kelly
Scientific reports 9 (1), 14638, 2019
Upscaling of transport through discrete fracture networks via random walk: A comparison of models
NL Sund, R Parashar, HV Pham
Physical Review E 103 (6), 062116, 2021
Development of upscaling techniques and construction of calibrated models for fractured rocks using discrete fracture network approaches
R Parashar, HV Pham, NL Sund
Desert Research Inst.(DRI), Reno, NV (United States), 2019
A Method to Represent a Well in a Three‐Dimensional Discrete Fracture Network Model
H Pham, R Parashar, N Sund, K Pohlmann
Groundwater 59 (2), 281-286, 2021
New theory to improve estimates of emerging contaminant exposure times
K Roche, M Dentz, J Drummond, J Hixson, R Gonzalez-Pinzon, S Herzog, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2022, H35A-03, 2022
Turbulence Drives Hyporheic Exchange and Fine Particle Deposition across the Entire Riverbed Surface.
E Saavedra Cifuentes, J Dallmann, C Phillips, Y Teitelbaum, S Arnon, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2021, H35A-08, 2021
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Articles 1–20