Jeff Jianfeng Wang
Jeff Jianfeng Wang
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Fast fashion, sustainability, and the ethical appeal of luxury brands
A Joy, JF Sherry Jr, A Venkatesh, J Wang, R Chan
Fashion theory 16 (3), 273-295, 2012
Materialism, status signaling, and product satisfaction
J Wang, M Wallendorf
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 34 (4), 494-505, 2006
M (Art) worlds: consumer perceptions of how luxury brand stores become art institutions
A Joy, JJ Wang, TS Chan, JF Sherry Jr, G Cui
Journal of Retailing 90 (3), 347-364, 2014
Buying behavior, social support and credit card indebtedness of college students
J Wang, JJ Xiao
International Journal of Consumer Studies 33 (1), 2-10, 2009
Celebrities as human brands: An inquiry on stakeholder-actor co-creation of brand identities
D Centeno, JJ Wang
Journal of business research 74, 133-138, 2017
Product co-development in an emerging market: The role of buyer-supplier compatibility and institutional environment
JJ Wang, JJ Li, J Chang
Journal of Operations Management 46, 69-83, 2016
Group buying: A strategic form of consumer collective
JJ Wang, X Zhao, JJ Li
Journal of Retailing 89 (3), 338-351, 2013
Consumer vulnerability and marketplace exclusion: A case of rural migrants and financial services in China
JJ Wang, Q Tian
Journal of Macromarketing 34 (1), 45-56, 2014
Immigration, culture, and ethnicity in transformative consumer research
D Crockett, L Anderson, SA Bone, A Roy, JJ Wang, G Coble
Journal of Public Policy & Marketing 30 (1), 47-54, 2011
The impact of value congruence on marketing channel relationship
JJ Wang, C Zhang
Industrial Marketing Management 62, 118-127, 2017
Credit counseling to help debtors regain footing
JJ Wang
Journal of Consumer Affairs 44 (1), 44-69, 2010
The role of sales representatives in cross-cultural business-to-business relationships
FF Gu, JJ Wang, DT Wang
Industrial Marketing Management 78, 227-238, 2019
When the music stops playing: Post-litigation relationship dissolution in franchising
M Grünhagen, XV Zheng, JJ Wang
Journal of Retailing 93 (2), 138-153, 2017
The sacred and the profane in online gaming: A netnographic inquiry of Chinese gamers
J Wang, X Zhao, GJ Bamossy
Virtual social identity and consumer behavior, 109-124, 2014
Marketing channel relationships in China: A review and integration with an institution-based perspective
FF Jia, JJ Wang
Journal of Business Research 66 (12), 2545-2551, 2013
Creating and sustaining a culture of hope: Feng Shui discourses and practices in Hong Kong
J Wang, A Joy, JF Sherry Jr
Journal of Consumer Culture 13 (3), 241-263, 2013
Emotion and consumption: Toward a new understanding of cultural collisions between Hong Kong and PRC luxury consumers
A Joy, RW Belk, JJ Wang, JF Sherry Jr
Journal of Consumer Culture 20 (4), 578-597, 2020
Team purchase: A case of consumer empowerment in China
JJ Wang, X Zhao, JJ Li
Journal of Consumer Affairs 45 (3), 528-538, 2011
Regulating political symbols: China's advertising law and politicized advertising
X Zhao, J Wang
Journal of Advertising Research 51 (4), 624-633, 2011
Will you get what you want? Managerial ties, knowledge acquisition and firm performance in China
W Zhong, H Yang, J Wang
Academy of Management Proceedings 2013 (1), 15157, 2013
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Articles 1–20