William T Harbaugh
William T Harbaugh
Other namesBill Harbaugh
Professor of Economics Emeritus, University of Oregon
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Cited by
Neural responses to taxation and voluntary giving reveal motives for charitable donations
WT Harbaugh, U Mayr, DR Burghart
Science 316 (5831), 1622-1625, 2007
Reexamining the empirical evidence for an environmental Kuznets curve
WT Harbaugh, A Levinson, DM Wilson
Review of Economics and Statistics 84 (3), 541-551, 2002
What do donations buy?: A model of philanthropy based on prestige and warm glow
WT Harbaugh
Journal of public economics 67 (2), 269-284, 1998
The carrot or the stick: Rewards, punishments, and cooperation
J Andreoni, W Harbaugh, L Vesterlund
American Economic Review 93 (3), 893-902, 2003
The prestige motive for making charitable transfers
WT Harbaugh
The American Economic Review 88 (2), 277-282, 1998
Risk attitudes of children and adults: Choices over small and large probability gains and losses
WT Harbaugh, K Krause, L Vesterlund
Experimental Economics 5, 53-84, 2002
GARP for kids: On the development of rational choice behavior
WT Harbaugh, K Krause, TR Berry
American Economic Review 91 (5), 1539-1545, 2001
Bargaining by children
WT Harbaugh, K Krause, SJ Liday
University of Oregon Economics Working Paper, 2003
Children's altruism in public good and dictator experiments
WT Harbaugh, K Krause
Economic Inquiry 38 (1), 95-109, 2000
The menstrual cycle and performance feedback alter gender differences in competitive choices
D Wozniak, WT Harbaugh, U Mayr
Journal of Labor Economics 32 (1), 161-198, 2014
Are adults better behaved than children? Age, experience, and the endowment effect
WT Harbaugh, K Krause, L Vesterlund
Economics Letters 70 (2), 175-181, 2001
Altruism in experiments
J Andreoni, WT Harbaugh, L Vesterlund
Behavioural and experimental economics, 6-13, 2010
The fourfold pattern of risk attitudes in choice and pricing tasks
WT Harbaugh, K Krause, L Vesterlund
The Economic Journal 120 (545), 595-611, 2010
Trust in children
WT Harbaugh, K Krause, SG Liday, L Vesterlund
Trust and reciprocity: interdisciplinary lessons from experimental research …, 2003
Risk, reward, and economic decision making in aging
DR Roalf, SH Mitchell, WT Harbaugh, JS Janowsky
Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences …, 2012
A general benevolence dimension that links neural, psychological, economic, and life-span data on altruistic tendencies.
J Hubbard, WT Harbaugh, S Srivastava, D Degras, U Mayr
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 145 (10), 1351, 2016
Application of economic analysis to school-wide positive behavior support (SWPBS) programs
BA Blonigen, WT Harbaugh, LD Singell, RH Horner, LK Irvin, ...
Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions 10 (1), 5-19, 2008
Competitiveness across the life span: the feisty fifties.
U Mayr, D Wozniak, C Davidson, D Kuhns, WT Harbaugh
Psychology and aging 27 (2), 278, 2012
Learning to bargain
WT Harbaugh, K Krause, L Vesterlund
Journal of Economic Psychology 28 (1), 127-142, 2007
If people vote because they like to, then why do so many of them lie?
WT Harbaugh
Public choice 89 (1), 63-76, 1996
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20