Mladen Kezunovic
Mladen Kezunovic
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Smart fault location for smart grids
M Kezunovic
IEEE transactions on smart grid 2 (1), 11-22, 2011
Optimized operational cost reduction for an EV charging station integrated with battery energy storage and PV generation
Q Yan, B Zhang, M Kezunovic
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (2), 2096-2106, 2018
BEVs/PHEVs as dispersed energy storage for V2B uses in the smart grid
C Pang, P Dutta, M Kezunovic
IEEE Transactions on smart grid 3 (1), 473-482, 2011
Synchronized sampling and phasor measurements for relaying and control
AG Phadke, B Pickett, M Adamiak, M Begovic, G Benmouyal, RO Burnett, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 9 (1), 442-452, 1994
Mathematical models for current, voltage, and coupling capacitor voltage transformers
DA Tziouvaras, P McLaren, G Alexander, D Dawson, J Esztergalyos, ...
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 15 (1), 62-72, 2000
Automated transmission line fault analysis using synchronized sampling at two ends
M Kezunovic, B Perunicic
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 11 (1), 441-447, 1996
Fault location using the distributed parameter transmission line model
A Gopalakrishnan, M Kezunovic, SM McKenna, DM Hamai
IEEE transactions on power delivery 15 (4), 1169-1174, 2000
Simplified algorithms for removal of the effect of exponentially decaying DC-offset on the Fourier algorithm
Y Guo, M Kezunovic, D Chen
IEEE Transactions on power delivery 18 (3), 711-717, 2003
The role of big data in improving power system operation and protection
M Kezunovic, L Xie, S Grijalva
2013 IREP symposium bulk power system dynamics and control-IX optimization …, 2013
Implementing fuzzy reasoning Petri-nets for fault section estimation
X Luo, M Kezunovic
IEEE Transactions on power delivery 23 (2), 676-685, 2008
Islanding detection for inverter-based distributed generation using support vector machine method
B Matic-Cuka, M Kezunovic
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (6), 2676-2686, 2014
Optimal allocation of PV generation and battery storage for enhanced resilience
B Zhang, P Dehghanian, M Kezunovic
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 10 (1), 535-545, 2017
Improved fault location on distribution feeders based on matching during-fault voltage sags
RAF Pereira, LGW da Silva, M Kezunovic, JRS Mantovani
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 24 (2), 852-862, 2009
Transmission line boundary protection using wavelet transform and neural network
N Zhang, M Kezunovic
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 22 (2), 859-869, 2007
Experimental evaluation of EMTP-based current transformer models for protective relay transient study
M Kezunovic, L Kojovic, A Abur, CW Fromen, DR Sevcik, F Phillips
IEEE Transactions on power delivery 9 (1), 405-413, 1994
Fuzzy ART neural network algorithm for classifying the power system faults
S Vasilic, M Kezunovic
IEEE Transactions on power delivery 20 (2), 1306-1314, 2005
Digital models of coupling capacitor voltage transformers for protective relay transient studies
M Kezunovic, L Kojovic, V Skendzic, CW Fromen, DR Sevcik, SL Nilsson
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 7 (4), 1927-1935, 1992
Detection of symmetrical faults by distance relays during power swings
S Lotfifard, J Faiz, M Kezunovic
IEEE transactions on power delivery 25 (1), 81-87, 2009
Online optimal transmission line parameter estimation for relaying applications
Y Liao, M Kezunovic
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 24 (1), 96-102, 2008
Fast distance relay scheme for detecting symmetrical fault during power swing
C Pang, M Kezunovic
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 25 (4), 2205-2212, 2010
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Articles 1–20