brigitte quenet
brigitte quenet
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Cited by
Classification of fusiform neocortical interneurons based on unsupervised clustering
B Cauli, JT Porter, K Tsuzuki, B Lambolez, J Rossier, B Quenet, E Audinat
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (11), 6144-6149, 2000
Kin recognition in honeybees.
G Arnold, B Quenet, JM Cornuet, C Masson, B Schepper, A Estoup, ...
A machine learning approach to the analysis of time–frequency maps, and its application to neural dynamics
FB Vialatte, C Martin, R Dubois, J Haddad, B Quenet, R Gervais, ...
Neural networks 20 (2), 194-209, 2007
Automatic ECG wave extraction in long-term recordings using Gaussian mesa function models and nonlinear probability estimators
R Dubois, P Maison-Blanche, B Quenet, G Dreyfus
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 88 (3), 217-233, 2007
Influence of social environment on genetically based subfamily signature in the honeybee
G Arnold, B Quenet, C Masson
Journal of Chemical Ecology 26, 2321-2333, 2000
Intra‐Colonial Variability in the Dance Communication in Honeybees (Apis mellifera)
G Arnold, B Quenet, C Papin, C Masson, WH Kirchner
Ethology 108 (9), 751-761, 2002
The dynamic neural filter: a binary model of spatiotemporal coding
B Quenet, D Horn
Neural Computation 15 (2), 309-329, 2003
New insights into sucking, swallowing and breathing central generators: a complexity analysis of rhythmic motor behaviors
N Samson, JP Praud, B Quenet, T Similowski, C Straus
Neuroscience Letters 638, 90-95, 2017
Building meaningful representations for nonlinear modeling of 1d-and 2d-signals: applications to biomedical signals
R Dubois, B Quenet, Y Faisandier, G Dreyfus
Neurocomputing 69 (16-18), 2180-2192, 2006
A morphometric classification of pupal honeybee antennal lobe neurones in culture
JM Devaud, B Quenet, J Gascuel, C Masson
Neuroreport 6 (1), 214-218, 1994
Analysis of spatiotemporal patterns in a model of olfaction
O Kliper, D Horn, B Quenet, G Dror
Neurocomputing 58, 1027-1032, 2004
Statistical analysis and parsimonious modelling of dendrograms of in vitro neurones
JM Devaud, B Quenet, J Gascuel, C Masson
Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 62 (4), 657-683, 2000
Oscillation and coding in a formal neural network considered as a guide for plausible simulations of the insect olfactory system
G Horcholle-Bossavit, B Quenet, O Foucart
Biosystems 89 (1-3), 244-256, 2007
Oscillatory activity, behaviour and memory, new approaches for LFP signal analysis
F Vialatte, C Martin, N Ravel, B Quenet, G Dreyfus, R Gervais
Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 63 (5), 2003
Temporal coding in an olfactory oscillatory model
B Quenet, D Horn, G Dreyfus, R Dubois
Neurocomputing 38, 831-836, 2001
Formal modeling with multistate neurones and multidimensional synapses
B Quenet, G Horcholle-Bossavit, A Wohrer, G Dreyfus
Biosystems 79 (1-3), 21-32, 2005
New insights in gill/buccal rhythm spiking activity and CO2 sensitivity in pre-and postmetamorphic tadpoles (Pelophylax ridibundus)
B Quenet, C Straus, MN Fiamma, I Rivals, T Similowski, ...
Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology 191, 26-37, 2014
Neural model of frog ventilatory rhythmogenesis
G Horcholle-Bossavit, B Quenet
Biosystems 97 (1), 35-43, 2009
Modelling spatiotemporal olfactory data in two steps: from binary to Hodgkin–Huxley neurones
B Quenet, R Dubois, S Sirapian, G Dreyfus, D Horn
Biosystems 67 (1-3), 203-211, 2002
Dynamic proximity of spatio-temporal sequences
D Horn, G Dror, B Quenet
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 15 (5), 1002-1008, 2004
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Articles 1–20