Gordon Moskowitz
Gordon Moskowitz
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Perspective-taking: decreasing stereotype expression, stereotype accessibility, and in-group favoritism.
AD Galinsky, GB Moskowitz
Journal of personality and social psychology 78 (4), 708, 2000
Goal effects on action and cognition
PM Gollwitzer, GB Moskowitz
Preconscious control of stereotype activation through chronic egalitarian goals.
GB Moskowitz, PM Gollwitzer, W Wasel, B Schaal
Journal of personality and social psychology 77 (1), 167, 1999
Social cognition
GB Moskowitz, IO Okten
Getting grounded in social psychology, 37-78, 2017
People as flexible interpreters: Evidence and issues from spontaneous trait inference
JS Uleman, LS Newman, GB Moskowitz
Advances in experimental social psychology 28, 211-279, 1996
Crowded minds: the implicit bystander effect.
SM Garcia, K Weaver, GB Moskowitz, JM Darley
Journal of personality and social psychology 83 (4), 843, 2002
The personal need for structure and personal fear of invalidity measures: Historical perspectives, current applications, and future directions
MM Thompson, ME Naccarato, KCH Parker, GB Moskowitz
Cognitive social psychology, 19-39, 2013
The interplay of heuristic and systematic processing of social information
G Bohner, GB Moskowitz, S Chaiken
European review of social psychology 6 (1), 33-68, 1995
Evidence for implicit evaluative in-group bias: Affect-biased spontaneous trait inference in a minimal group paradigm
S Otten, GB Moskowitz
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 36 (1), 77-89, 2000
Don’t stereotype, think different! Overcoming automatic stereotype activation by mindset priming
K Sassenberg, GB Moskowitz
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 41 (5), 506-514, 2005
Non‐conscious bias in medical decision making: what can be done to reduce it?
J Stone, GB Moskowitz
Medical education 45 (8), 768-776, 2011
Accuracy motivation attenuates covert priming: The systematic reprocessing of social information.
EP Thompson, RJ Roman, GB Moskowitz, S Chaiken, JA Bargh
Journal of personality and Social Psychology 66 (3), 474, 1994
Counterfactuals as behavioral primes: Priming the simulation heuristic and consideration of alternatives
AD Galinsky, GB Moskowitz
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 36 (4), 384-409, 2000
Individual differences in social categorization: The influence of personal need for structure on spontaneous trait inferences.
GB Moskowitz
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 65 (1), 132, 1993
Preconscious effects of temporary goals on attention
GB Moskowitz
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 38 (4), 397-404, 2002
On-line evidence for spontaneous trait inferences at encoding
JS Uleman, A Hon, RJ Roman, GB Moskowitz
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 22 (4), 377-394, 1996
Responding to subliminal cues: Do if-then plans facilitate action preparation and initiation without conscious intent?
UC Bayer, A Achtziger, PM Gollwitzer, GB Moskowitz
Social Cognition 27 (2), 183-201, 2009
The psychology of goals
GB Moskowitz, H Grant
Guilford press, 2009
Egalitarian goals trigger stereotype inhibition: A proactive form of stereotype control
GB Moskowitz, P Li
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 47 (1), 103-116, 2011
Preconsciously controlling stereotyping: Implicitly activated egalitarian goals prevent the activation of stereotypes
GB Moskowitz, AR Salomon, CM Taylor
Social cognition 18 (2), 151-177, 2000
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Articles 1–20