Weicheng Lv
Weicheng Lv
University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory
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Orbital ordering induces structural phase transition and the resistivity anomaly in iron pnictides
W Lv, J Wu, P Phillips
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 80 (22), 224506, 2009
Orbital ordering and unfrustrated magnetism from degenerate double exchange in the iron pnictides
W Lv, F Krüger, P Phillips
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (4), 045125, 2010
Orbitally and magnetically induced anisotropy in iron-based superconductors
W Lv, P Phillips
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (17), 174512, 2011
Effect of pnictogen height on spin waves in iron pnictides
C Zhang, LW Harriger, Z Yin, W Lv, M Wang, G Tan, Y Song, ...
Physical Review Letters 112 (21), 217202, 2014
Impact of dynamic orbital correlations on magnetic excitations in the normal state of iron-based superconductors
WC Lee, W Lv, JM Tranquada, PW Phillips
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 86 (9), 094516, 2012
Double magnetic resonance and spin anisotropy in Fe-based superconductors due to static and fluctuating antiferromagnetic orders
W Lv, A Moreo, E Dagotto
Physical Review B 89 (10), 104510, 2014
Vacancy-driven orbital and magnetic order in (K,Tl,Cs)FeSe
W Lv, WC Lee, P Phillips
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 84 (15), 155107, 2011
Elementary Excitations due to Orbital Degrees of Freedom in Iron-Based Superconductors
WC Lee, W Lv, HZ Arham
International Journal of Modern Physics B 27 (20), 1330014, 2013
Electron doping evolution of the neutron spin resonance in
C Zhang, W Lv, G Tan, Y Song, SV Carr, S Chi, M Matsuda, ...
Physical Review B 93 (17), 174522, 2016
-like pairing states in two-leg ladder iron superconductors
W Lv, A Moreo, E Dagotto
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 88 (9), 094508, 2013
High-energy damping by particle-hole excitations in the spin-wave spectrum of iron-based superconductors
Z Leong, WC Lee, W Lv, P Phillips
Physical Review B 90 (12), 125158, 2014
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Articles 1–11