Syafawati Hasbi
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Cited by
A review of climate change impacts on commercial buildings and their technical services in the tropics
YH Yau, S Hasbi
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 18, 430-441, 2013
State of art review on the solidification and melting characteristics of phase change material in triplex-tube thermal energy storage
KY Leong, S Hasbi, BA Gurunathan
Journal of Energy Storage 41, 102932, 2021
Thermal properties evaluation of paraffin wax enhanced with carbon nanotubes as latent heat thermal energy storage
KY Leong, S Hasbi, KZK Ahmad, NM Jali, HC Ong, MFM Din
Journal of Energy Storage 52, 105027, 2022
A comprehensive case study of climate change impacts on the cooling load in an air-conditioned office building in Malaysia
YH Yau, S Hasbi
Energy Procedia 143, 295-300, 2017
Field analysis of indoor air quality in high rise and low rise green offices with radiant slab cooling systems in Malaysia
YH Yau, S Hasbi
Indoor and Built Environment 24 (2), 174-184, 2015
Synergistic effects of halloysite and carbon nanotubes (HNTs+ CNTs) on the mechanical properties of epoxy nanocomposites.
MS Saharudin, R Atif, S Hasbi, MNA Nazri, NU Saidin, Y Abdullah
AIMS materials science 6 (6), 2019
A review of recent developments in mechanical properties of polymer–clay nanocomposites
MS Saharudin, S Hasbi, MNA Nazri, F Inam
Advances in Manufacturing Engineering: Selected articles from ICMMPE 2019 …, 2020
Effects of titanium oxide and graphene as nano-fillers on the thermal conductivity of biobased phase change materials as latent thermal heat storage
S Hasbi, N Norazman, MS Saharudin
Materials Today: Proceedings 75, 181-187, 2023
Analysis of waste cooking oil biodiesel (WCO) synthesis with TiO2 impregnated CaO from waste shells nano-catalyst
NA Rahim, MRA Rahman, KAB Ahmad, S Hasbullah, A Suhel
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2023
Advances in sustainable nanocomposites
MS Saharudin, RA Ilyas, N Awang, S Hasbi, I Shyha, F Inam
Sustainability 15 (6), 5125, 2023
Recent advances in MXene composites research, applications and opportunities
MS Saharudin, A Ayub, S Hasbi, F Muhammad-Sukki, I Shyha, F Inam
Materials Today: Proceedings, 2023
Tensile and corrosion resistance studies of MXenes/nanocomposites: a review
MS Saharudin, NA Che Nasir, S Hasbi
Design in Maritime Engineering: Contributions from the ICMAT 2021, 189-198, 2022
The processing of epoxy/1 wt%-graphene nanocomposites: effects of ethanol on flexural properties.
MS Saharudin, S Hasbi, A Zulkifli, NF Zailani
International journal of innovative technology and exploring engineering 9 (1), 2019
Effect of short-term water exposure on mechanical properties of multi-layer graphene and multi-walled carbon nanotubes-reinforced epoxy nanocomposites.
MS Saharudin, S Hasbi, NM Rashdi, MSJ Nordin
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 13 (12), 2018
Development of coconut oil/capric acid eutectic phase change material with graphene as latent thermal energy storage.
S Hasbi, KY Leong, KZ Ku Ahmad, N Abdul Rahim, MS Saharudin
International journal of automotive and mechanical engineering 20 (1), 2023
Design and Fabrication of a Simple Device for Folding Towel
NA Haniffah, MSM Kamal, S Hasbi
Journal of Advanced Research in Applied Sciences and Engineering Technology …, 2025
Tensile properties of epoxy/1 wt% graphene nanocomposites prepared with ethanol
MS Saharudin, S Hasbi, C Okolo, F Inam
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 1072 (1), 012009, 2021
The processing of epoxy/multi-layer graphene nanocomposites: effects of acetone on properties.
M Shahneel Saharudin, S Hasbi, C Okolo, J Wei, R Jusoh
Journal of Engineering Science and Technology 14 (6), 2019
Comparative analysis of mechanical response in epoxy nanocomposites reinforced with MXene and other carbon-based nano-fillers: an experimental and numerical study.
MS Saharudin, S Hasbi, EZ Ahmad, S Sagar, WM Daoush, F Inam
Journal of advanced research in micro and nano engineering 26 (1), 2024
Processing of polyester-halloysite nanotubes: Effects of mild sonication technique on tensile properties
FI Mohd Shahneel Saharudin, Syafawati Hasbi, Jiacheng Wei
Advanced Materials and Mechanical Engineering Research ( CAMMER'18), 2018
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Articles 1–20