Lisa Beinborn
Lisa Beinborn
Human-Centered Data Science, University of Göttingen
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Blackbox meets blackbox: Representational similarity and stability analysis of neural language models and brains
S Abnar, L Beinborn, R Choenni, W Zuidema
arXiv preprint arXiv:1906.01539, 2019
Predicting the difficulty of language proficiency tests
L Beinborn, T Zesch, I Gurevych
Transactions of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2, 517-530, 2014
Cognate production using character-based machine translation
L Beinborn, T Zesch, I Gurevych
Proceedings of the sixth international joint conference on natural language …, 2013
Multilingual language models predict human reading behavior
N Hollenstein, F Pirovano, C Zhang, L Jäger, L Beinborn
arXiv preprint arXiv:2104.05433, 2021
Semantic drift in multilingual representations
L Beinborn, R Choenni
Computational Linguistics 46 (3), 571-603, 2020
Multimodal grounding for language processing
L Beinborn, T Botschen, I Gurevych
arXiv preprint arXiv:1806.06371, 2018
Relative importance in sentence processing
N Hollenstein, L Beinborn
arXiv preprint arXiv:2106.03471, 2021
Readability for foreign language learning: The importance of cognates
L Beinborn, T Zesch, I Gurevych
ITL-International Journal of Applied Linguistics 165 (2), 136-162, 2014
Generating image descriptions via sequential cross-modal alignment guided by human gaze
E Takmaz, S Pezzelle, L Beinborn, R Fernández
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.04592, 2020
Towards best practices for leveraging human language processing signals for natural language processing
N Hollenstein, M Barrett, L Beinborn
Proceedings of the second workshop on linguistic and neurocognitive …, 2020
Predicting and manipulating the difficulty of text-completion exercises for language learning
LM Beinborn
Technische Universität Darmstadt, 2016
Candidate evaluation strategies for improved difficulty prediction of language tests
L Beinborn, T Zesch, I Gurevych
Proceedings of the Tenth Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building …, 2015
Robust evaluation of language–brain encoding experiments
L Beinborn, S Abnar, R Choenni
International conference on computational linguistics and intelligent text …, 2019
Probing multilingual BERT for genetic and typological signals
T Rama, L Beinborn, S Eger
arXiv preprint arXiv:2011.02070, 2020
Towards fine-grained readability measures for self-directed language learning
L Beinborn, T Zesch, I Gurevych
Electronic Conference Proceedings 80, 11-19, 2012
Predicting the spelling difficulty of words for language learners
L Beinborn, T Zesch, I Gurevych
proceedings of the 11th Workshop on Innovative Use of NLP for Building …, 2016
Analyzing cognitive plausibility of subword tokenization
L Beinborn, Y Pinter
arXiv preprint arXiv:2310.13348, 2023
Cognitive plausibility in natural language processing
L Beinborn, N Hollenstein
Springer, 2024
Patterns of text readability in human and predicted eye movements
N Hollenstein, I Gonzalez-Dios, L Beinborn, L Jäger
Proceedings of the Workshop on Cognitive Aspects of the Lexicon, 1-15, 2022
A cross-lingual comparison of human and model relative word importance
F Morger, S Brandl, L Beinborn, N Hollenstein
Proceedings of the 2022 CLASP Conference on (Dis) embodiment, 11-23, 2022
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Articles 1–20