Sara Rodrigues
Sara Rodrigues
Associate Professor of Nutrition, Porto University
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Cited by
Inquérito Alimentar Nacional e de Atividade Física, IAN-AF 2015-2016: relatório de resultados
C Lopes, D Torres, A Oliveira, M Severo, V Alarcão, S Guiomar, J Mota, ...
Universidade do Porto, 2017
A new food guide for the Portuguese population: development and technical considerations
SSP Rodrigues, B Franchini, P Graça, MDV de ALMEIDA
Journal of nutrition education and behavior 38 (3), 189-195, 2006
Determination of plate waste in primary school lunches by weighing and visual estimation methods: A validation study
ML Martins, LM Cunha, SSP Rodrigues, A Rocha
Waste management 34 (8), 1362-1368, 2014
National food, nutrition, and physical activity survey of the Portuguese general population (2015-2016): protocol for design and development
C Lopes, D Torres, A Oliveira, M Severo, S Guiomar, V Alarcão, E Ramos, ...
JMIR research protocols 7 (2), e8990, 2018
Portuguese households’ diet quality (adherence to Mediterranean food pattern and compliance with WHO population dietary goals): trends, regional disparities and socioeconomic …
SSP Rodrigues, M Caraher, A Trichopoulou, MDV De Almeida
European journal of clinical nutrition 62 (11), 1263-1272, 2008
Strategies to reduce plate waste in primary schools–experimental evaluation
ML Martins, SSP Rodrigues, LM Cunha, A Rocha
Public health nutrition 19 (8), 1517-1525, 2016
Eating out is different from eating at home among individuals who occasionally eat out. A cross-sectional study among middle-aged adults from eleven European countries
A Naska, M Katsoulis, P Orfanos, C Lachat, K Gedrich, SSP Rodrigues, ...
British Journal of Nutrition 113 (12), 1951-1964, 2015
Ultra-processed food consumption, appetitive traits and BMI in children: a prospective study
GM Vedovato, S Vilela, M Severo, S Rodrigues, C Lopes, A Oliveira
British Journal of Nutrition 125 (12), 1427-1436, 2021
Food balance sheet and household budget survey dietary data and mortality patterns in Europe
A Naska, MA Berg, C Cuadrado, H Freisling, K Gedrich, M Gregorič, ...
British Journal of Nutrition 102 (1), 166-171, 2008
National food, nutrition and physical activity survey of the Portuguese general population
C Lopes, D Torres, A Oliveira, M Severo, S Guiomar, V Alarcão, S Vilela, ...
EFSA Supporting Publications 14 (12), 1341E, 2017
Factors influencing food waste during lunch of fourth-grade school children
ML Martins, SSP Rodrigues, LM Cunha, A Rocha
Waste Management 113, 439-446, 2020
Padrão alimentar mediterrânico: promotor de saúde
I Pinho, S Rodrigues, B Franchini, P Graça
A nova roda dos alimentos: um guia para a escolha alimentar diária
B Franchini, S Rodrigues, P Graça, MDV de Almeida
Nutrícias 4, 55-56, 2004
Comparison of national food supply, household food availability and individual food consumption data in Portugal
SSP Rodrigues, C Lopes, A Naska, A Trichopoulou, MDV de AlmeidA
Journal of Public Health 15, 447-455, 2007
National food, nutrition, and physical activity survey of the Portuguese general population 2015-2016: Summary of results
C Lopes, D Torres, A Oliveira, M Severo, V Alarcão, S Guiomar, J Mota, ...
Portuguese household food availability in 1990 and 1995
SSP Rodrigues, MDV De Almeida
Public health nutrition 4 (5b), 1167-1171, 2001
Eating at restaurants, at work or at home. Is there a difference? A study among adults of 11 European countries in the context of the HECTOR* project
P Orfanos, A Naska, S Rodrigues, C Lopes, H Freisling, S Rohrmann, ...
European journal of clinical nutrition 71 (3), 407-419, 2017
Eating out of home and dietary adequacy in preschool children
T Moreira, M Severo, A Oliveira, E Ramos, S Rodrigues, C Lopes
British Journal of Nutrition 114 (2), 297-305, 2015
Ultra-processed food availability and noncommunicable diseases: a systematic review
TP de Araújo, MM de Moraes, V Magalhães, C Afonso, C Santos, ...
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 18 (14), 7382, 2021
Consumption of ultra-processed foods and non-communicable disease-related nutrient profile in Portuguese adults and elderly (2015-2016): the UPPER project
RC Miranda, F Rauber, MM Moraes, C Afonso, C Santos, S Rodrigues, ...
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Articles 1–20